File:BSSActive1.png [Special Active - Penetration Electrons] Eve creates several electric spears around herself for a certain amount of time. The electric spears attacks forward from behind Eve.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost per Level Alternative
Code: Battle Seraph Lv. 20 50 4 High Powered Electrics

Skill Information

Liczba Energetycznych
Koszt Many Czas
1 50 137% 10 100 MP 11 Seconds
2 50 147%
3 53 158%
4 57 168%
5 61 178%
6 65 188%
7 69 199%
8 73* 209%
9 77* 219%
10 81* 229%
11 85* 240%
12 89* 250%

*Please note that you can only achieve these levels through equipments, accessories and titles.

Tips and Details

  • Energy Needles does not have its own spectrum field.
    • However, the spears can react to other summoned spectrums(Excluding Large Scale Amplification).
  • The spears will hit enemies that stand directly behind Eve.
  • A great catching skill due to its range, hits and that you can move with it.
  • Do not awaken immediately after using this move. The hitstuns will allow the opponent to move, and thus mana break sooner into the combo.