KR knockdown revamp

Guys, don't we have any data on the KD revamp? What I understood from babel is that:

  1. There is no launch counter or launch resets anymore, but all launches that previously had 0 KD now had a positive KD value implemented into them; (according to a friend, this is equals 5 for CN's >>X, but this needs confirmation)
  2. Air hits decrease KD, including X-drops and the spear hits from CN's >>XZ, despite X-drops not resetting anymore.

However, we need numbers! How much KD was added to the launches that previously had 0 KD? How much KD does each air hit decrease? Do the KD decreases change if I'm using CN's >>XZ or an X-drop from an Elboy, for example?

Also, I've been curious for a while for data on the KD of new attacks that came with the revamp, such as CEmp's >>ZX (pass-through combo) and RF's adjusted combos. Is there no data on that, either?

Naï (talk) 21:40, 18 June 2014 (EDT)

Your information on the KD revamp is a bit incorrect. Only aerial attacks (dash-jump and jump) that normally knockdown (not launch) and horizontal-launch (like Elesis's XXX or IS's ZZZZZ) attacks will decrease the KD counter. The spears from CN's >>XZ shouldn't have any changes since the last spear deals a very small launch.
What about attacks such as a grounded CN's >>ZZZ? Would that decrease KD? I was hoping they hadn't nerfed CN as brutally as I thought they did (unlimited no-X-drops combos was the only thing CN could really boast), but noo, time to switch over to Enhanced Nasod Weapons, is it... ;;
I think a grounded >>ZZZ would decrease KD, though, according to this Babel post... but you're right, a >>XZ shouldn't decrease KD at all: rather, both the electronball and spear parts will have KD, seeing as they're both launches... gg KOG...
BUT STILL, we do need some numbers on this! I don't play KR so I can't test myself. Either way, thanks for the input. -- Naï (talk) 08:50, 19 June 2014 (EDT)