Every character in Elsword has their own unique features that sets them apart from other characters.

Dynamo Point System


Damage deal during awakening.
Base Add while in normal stance and DP mode stance.

Unlike other characters' awakening, Add's awakening is called the Dynamo mode (DP Mode). Another name for DP Mode is Configuration Mode.

  • When he is not in the DP Mode, every hit he does will charge up the DP gauge. When you have at least 100 charge, Add is able to awaken like any other character at the cost of 50 Charge and all surrounding targets will be damaged.
    • Some skills use DP instead of MP while some skills use both DP and MP.
  • While in the DP mode, his stance and dynamos will be changed. Every hit he does will decrease the gauge. Pressing awaken hot key again will deactivate the DP mode. Like awakening, Add will gain a damage boost when in DP Mode.
    • Going into DP mode will give a cooldown of 5 seconds. A timer will appear at where the letters "DP" are.
  • If you obtain a awakening potion in dungeons, instead of awakening, the DP gauge will increase.
    • This also applies when Fever triggers.
  • Unlike a normal awakening, when Add goes into DP mode, the screen will not freeze.
  • When in DP Mode, getting hit will not recover your DP gauge.
  • When in DP mode, some skills DP usage will be void, whereas some skills will recover DP.
  • Different job advancement will show different DP mode poses.

Benefits of DP mode:

  • The standard 20% damage increase from awakening mode.
  • Able to execute DP combos extension depending on job advancements.
  • Able to negate the usage of DP for a skill which uses DP.
  • Gain a natural MP recovery passive buff.

DP Counters

When Add goes into DP mode, 1 DP counter will be added to the counters below his portrait. DP Counters are used to power up his skills. Skills will only be boosted if Add is in DP mode.

Skills that use Counters


  Void Breaker
  Particle Prism
  Energy Boom
  Particle Accelerator

Psychic Tracer/
Lunatic Psyker

File:AddSkill12.png Quake Buster
File:AddSkill15.png Conqueror
File:LPSA2.png Quicksliver Accel
File:LPSA5.png Psychic Storm

Stats Difference

Instead of having awakening charge and max awakening time like other characters, Add has DP charge and DP consumption reduction respectively.

Other Characters Maximum Stat Add Maximum Stat
Awakening Charge

Max Awakening Time

DP Charge

DP Consumption Reduction


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