Full Name
Nasod Dynamos, Electricity Redirection
16 (Base) > 18 (1st Job) > 19 (2nd Job)
Voice Actors
정재헌 Jeong Jae-heon
Release Date
19 December 2013
25 June 2014
25 June 2014
File:Europeanunion.png 16 July 2014
File:Flag-tw.png Unknown
Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!



Staying true to his concept of being a mechanic, Add fully utilizes his mechanized weapon; the 'Nasod Dynamo', to aid him in battle. The Dynamos are not only able deal physical damage to targets, but are also able to fire rays of electricity as a way of dealing magical damage. As a ranged alternative, his dynamos can also be configured to form a powerful electricity cannon by the same way. Add is able to manipulate the electricity the cannon fires by either using his hands or kicking to fire powerful electrical blasts. This allows his attack style to freely transition between long and close range attacks. Another aspect of Add is that some of his skills have the concept of 'Magnetism', allowing numerous homing attacks which compensates for his low HP and physical defense values.

Special Ability

Main Article: Dynamo Point System
Instead of a normal awakening mode, Add gets a DP awakening system. His DP system allows him to go in and out of awakening whenever he sees fit. Maintaining a balance of DP counters and the DP gauge is what makes Add different from others.


Add is a descendant of a family that researched Nasods. His entire family was exterminated after being caught researching the forbidden secrets of the Nasods. He was sold into slavery and while escaping, Add fell into an Ancient Library and became trapped alone. Fortunately, there was a steady supply of food to sustain himself as well as a large number of books about the Nasods. Add spent his time reading them and waited for the day he could escape. With his vast knowledge, Add eventually invented the Nasod Dynamo using the parts from broken down Nasods found inside the library. Using the weapon's power, he escaped from the collapsing library. However, the isolation of being trapped alone for so long left Add insane along with an obsession to find rare Nasod codes. While traveling to look for more Nasod schematics, Add finds that the race no longer exists in the world. The library where Add had lived in distorted time inside, and sent him to a timeline far into the future. Thus, Add originally sought to find a way to get back into the past. That was until he found traces of 'that person' from the corrupted Nasod King.

First Job Advancement

Add is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Defeat Boss: William on 2-4 twice on any difficulty.
  2. Defeat Nasod Banthus on 2-3 on hard or higher.
  3. Talk to the alchemist Echo in Elder.
  4. Collect a drop from monster on 2-5.

After completing the Tracers quest chain, Add can decide between advancing as a Psychic Tracer or an Arc Tracer.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Tracers.
Psychic Tracer Arc Tracer

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
    Level 1
        Level 5
        Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.


Combo Description Damage
        Basic combo which blasts targets upwards

  Physical Damage 100%
  Physical Damage 135%
  Physical Damage 50% x2
  Physical Damage 135%

        Basic combo ending with a twirl of dynamos that turns opponents around.

  Physical Damage 100%
  Physical Damage 135%
  Physical Damage 50%x2
  Physical Damage 150%

        Combo which lifts target midway and throws them.

  Physical Damage 100%
  Physical Damage 135%
  Magical Damage 135%
  Magical Damage 135%

      Combo which the Dynamos form a energy cannon and Add kicks electrical blasts out of it.
  • 12/26/2013 KR
    • Command speed becomes slightly faster

  Magical Damage 175%
  Magical Damage 175%
  Magical Damage 225%

        ~   Combo which Add kicks 2 blast and dashes in to give targets a continuous electric shock.

  Magical Damage 175%
  Magical Damage 175%
  Physical Damage 50% x2
  Magical Damage 135%
  Magical Damage 50%

    Uses dynamos to create a high frequency which continuously damages targets.

  Physical Damage 100%

    Jumps and twirls dynamos around him knocking down targets.

  Magical Damage 70% x3

        Running Combo which pushes enemies then throws them.

  Physical Damage 50% x4
  Magical Damage 200%
  Magical Damage 310%

        Teleports behind target and throws them.

  Magical Damage 150%
  Magical Damage 155%
  Magical Damage 310%

          Triple particle blast combo.

  Magical Damage 120%
  Magical Damage 120%
  Magical Damage 120%

      [HOLD ] Single particle blast followed by a charged blast shot.

  Physical Damage 90% x3
  Magical Damage 175%~350%

Air Float

Add while afloat.

By pressing    , Add will be able to stand on top of his dynamos, allowing him to stay afloat as long as he wants. MP will be depleted while afloat and the rate at which it depletes will increase over time. While afloat, Add is able to execute a double jump by pressing   again.

Air Dash

Add's flight.

Unlike the other characters, Add's air dash is different. When Add air dashes, instead going downwards, he will 'fly' forward.

In order to use Air Dash:

  • Dash off a platform
  • Dash after using Air Float
  • Jump, then dash
  • Dash and press   twice.

By pressing   again while 'flying', Add can execute another forward jump, providing more coverage.


Special Active

  Void Breaker
  Particle Prism
  Energy Boom
  Particle Accelerator
  Neutron Bomb


  Pulse Bullet
File:AddSkill5.png Mind Break
Phase Shift


  Charged Impulsar
  Research Dynamo - Dissolution
  Research Dynamo - Composition

Couple Skill(Active)

File:CSZE.png Extreme Love Above The Sky  





  • Like Elesis, Add is not actually part of the El Search Party. Rather, he follows them in secret to study Eve and find an opportunity to capture her.
    • However, in Ancient Waterway, Add ends up saving Eve from Victor, resulting in his acceptance into the El Search Party. After joining, Add observes Eve as a member of the party.
  • For helping Vanessa of Velder, Add was lent a building which he made into his personal Nasod research laboratory.
    • According to dungeon aftermath quotes, Add does not officially confront the El Search Party until after Southern Gate where Eve confronts him in his Nasod research lab in Velder. However, Add was unable to take Eve due to the search party's protection.
  • Although the rumors predicted Add to have a last name being Kim, this has been confirmed to be incorrect.
  • Unlike the other characters, Add is mentally unstable due to witnessing the death of his family and spending his childhood in isolation.
  • Shown from his backstory comic and quotes, Add has an obsession with Eve as she is the queen of the Nasods and is also the only sentient one.
  • Add chases after Wally after finding traces of Nasods in Wally's Castle. He manages to catch up to Wally during Cargo Airship and saves him after he was thrown off the ship by Raven.
    • After Cargo Airship, Add partners up with Wally in order to search for the Altera Core.
      • But Add betrays Wally when he finds Eve in the Altera Core. Add spares Wally's life but destroys Wally's escape vehicle before he leaves to track Eve.
        • Although, technically it was Wally that betrayed Add first. They were supposed to contact each other when one of them found the Altera Core, but when Add finally arrived at the Altera core, Wally was already there decoding the Core's information.
    • It is revealed in his in-game dialogue that Add gave blueprints of the Nasod Inspector to Wally in exchange for the whereabouts of the Nasod Core.
  • Add holds a grudge against Elsword for destroying the Altera Core that he worked so hard to find.
  • Add is the first male character to have naturally higher magical attack rather than physical.
  • According to game developers, Add is conceptually designed to be a pair character to Eve, who is the most popular character in Elsword.
    • This is shown as Add's concept wears mostly white, has white hair and uses floating Nasod weapons like Eve.
    • Being Eve's pair character, Add's name could be a biblical reference to the story of Adam and Eve.
  • Add has been linked many times, by fans of both the game and the To Aru franchise, to the character Accelerator.
  • Add likes sweet foods, especially chocolate.
  • Add is afraid of ghosts as seen in his dungeon clear dialogues from Underground Chapel.
  • Add loathes getting his clothes dirty.
  • Add's birthday is January 2nd.
  • Add has AB-Type Blood.
