Why revert my addition that keeps being true about the percentage of damage dealt being double of what is shown in the ingame description?

Please explain how 200% magic damage can hit for 9824 with 2444 magic attack without any additions to the damage (crit, magic insigna, giant potion, etc)?

400%, the double of what is currently shown ingame is the real damage dealt. (Same monster, so same defense.)

Also, Gain Force hits for less than it should. Says 200% physical damage ingame. Hits for 4043 with 3010 physical attack while Tiger Claw hits for 9785 on the same monster.

So unless you give me a good justification as to why not indicate the damage isn't what it is said to be in the description, I'm going to add those bits of information on the corresponding pages.

Little edit: Forget about the Gain Force part. Just the wiki being wrong by not indicating it deals magical damage, not physical. Fixing it now.

- Anvenjade

i didnt understand wat u meant by saying that, so i removed it. i misread it as the current info was double of wat it meant. if it pleases u i just put it back

Force Spear Bypassing Magical Defense

As i am making an Ara guide on the NA forums, it was brought to my attention this does the same damage across the board. I did test the numbers and.

522 MATK - Level 1 Force Spear - Level 26 Little Devil - No Gear or Titles equipped - so 0 Crit and 0 Additional Damage. vs 107 MDEF - 566 Damage on level 24 Sword Knight and 617 MDEF - 560 Damage on level 30 Battle Mage

Battle Mage had some Red. Damage - don't know how much, but it seemed to reduce the damage consistently.

might double check this later down the line, but if someone can confirm this, I would appreciate it.