• NA

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[Special Active] Chung sets the Destroyer on the ground and selects an area using the reticle. Once an area is chosen, he fires a flare and the selected area is bombed by rockets.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost per Level Alternative
Tactical Trooper Lv. 20 55 5 Dread Chase

Skill Information

  • NA
Skill Level Level Required Explosions (Magical) Missiles Ammo Usage Max Damage MP Usage Cooldown
1 55 445% 15 5 6675% 200 MP 13 seconds
2 478% 7170%
3 58 511% 7665%
4 62 545% 8175%
5 66 578% 8670%
6 70 611% 9165%
7 74 645% 9675%

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Skill Level Level Required Explosions (Magical) Missiles Ammo Usage Max Damage MP Usage Cooldown
1 55 632% 15 6 9480% 200 MP 13 seconds
2 - -
3 58 - -
4 62 - -
5 66 - -
6 70 - -
7 74 - -
8 78 963% 14445%
9 82 1011% 15165%

Tips and Details

  • To aim, hold down the skill key after activation and use the arrow keys to aim with the reticle. The skill will automatically fire after 11 seconds.
    • Super armor is active while targeting. Targeting cannot be interrupted, but Chung can still take damage. It is best to use this in situations where you are less likely to be attacked. Chung is invincible while shooting the flare and can move afterward.
    • Everyone can see the reticle.
    • The reticle is affected by lag. Under these conditions, aiming becomes fidgety and delayed instead of smooth and immediate.
    • The reticle tends to get stuck if used or directed into a sharp corner in the stage.
  • Rockets bomb the area in a random pattern over a moderately sized area making full hits nearly impossible on smaller foe.
    • 12 hits is the highest hit count achieved on Giant Training Monkey, but this is rare.
  • Rockets will hit below platforms if that area is targeted.
  • After the 07/10/2014 KR update: Prioritizes using red cannonballs over blue ones. Damage is increased by 5% from every red cannonball used.



  • 07/04/2013 KR
    • Hitbox in platform terrain changed.
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Rockets can hit above and below platforms.
    • Rockets no longer do impact damage, halving max hits and damage.
  • 07/10/2014
    • Start up and bombing execution speeds increased.
    • Rockets fall if reticle reaches maximum distance
    • Rockets will descend through all platforms.
    • Cannonball usage increased from 5 to 6.
    • Damage increased.
    • Can use red cannonballs to increase damage.
