
Ample Bravery

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 34
Required Level: 18

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +140
Accuracy +140

2 Pieces Effect:

  • All Attributes Resistance +50
  • Awakening Charge Speed +175

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Evasion +175
  • Accuracy +140

4 Pieces Effect:

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict double damage when attacking.
Item Level: 29
Required Level: 16

Physical Defense +86
Magical Defense +60

Awakening Duration +3%
Flame Geyser Skill Lv. +1

Physical Defense +89
Magical Defense +74

HP +650
All Attributes Resistance +20

Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +

Action Speed +32
Evasion +32

Physical Defense +78
Magical Defense +78

Critical +32
Move Speed +96
Jump Speed +96

Sudden Attack

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 44
Required Level: 28

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +200
Accuracy +200

2 Pieces Effect:

  • All Attributes Resistance +50

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Deals 2 times damage on knocked-down target. (Dungeon only)

4 Pieces Effect:

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% to inflict double damage when attacking.
Item Level: 39
Required Level: 26

Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +

Awakening Duration +3%
Iron Body Skill Lv. +1

Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +

HP +950
All Attributes Resistance +20

Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +

Action Speed +47
Evasion +47

Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +

Critical +47
Move Speed +141
Jump Speed +141

Wild Tracker

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 54
Required Level: 38

Physical Attack +2786
Magical Attack +2291

Critical +260
Action Speed +195
Accuracy +260

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 50% chance to resist Blaze.
  • 50% chance to resist Poison.
  • 50% chance to resist Curse.

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 10% chance to reduce damage by 50% when attacked.

4 Pieces Effect:

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to inflict double damage when attacking.
Item Level: 49
Required Level: 36

Physical Defense +163
Magical Defense +113

Awakening Charge Speed +186
Rolling Smash Skill Lv. +1
Sword Enchant Skill Lv. +1
Mirage Sting Skill Lv. +1

Physical Defense +142
Magical Defense +142

HP +1250
All Attributes Resistance +20

Physical Defense +114
Magical Defense +118

Action Speed +62
Evasion +62

Physical Defense +142
Magical Defense +95

Critical +62
Move Speed +186
Jump Speed +186

Mystic Soul

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 64
Required Level: 48

Physical Attack +3486
Magical Attack +2937
HP +716

Critical +320
Action Speed +240
Accuracy +320

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 10% chance to gain 10 MP when attacked. (Dungeon only)

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 10% chance to activate Iron Body with 30% damage reduction for 5 seconds when attacked. (Dungeon only)

4 Pieces Effect:

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 4% chance to inflict double damage when attacking.
Item Level: 59
Required Level: 46

Physical Attack +102
Physical Defense +230
Magical Defense +156
HP +2270

Awakening Charge Speed +231
Sonic Blade Skill Lv. +1
Splash Explosion Skill Lv. +1
Sword Blasting Skill Lv. +1

Magical Attack +146
Physical Defense +195
Magical Defense +191
HP +1980

HP +3875
All Attributes Resistance +20

Physical Attack +
Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +
HP +

Action Speed +77
Evasion +77

Magical Attack +89
Physical Defense +199
Magical Defense +130
HP +1007

Critical +77
Move Speed +231
Jump Speed +231

Exploding Distorted Element

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 74
Required Level: 58

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +380
Action Speed +285
Accuracy +380

2 Pieces Effect:

  • All Attributes Resistance +45

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to summon Lightning. (Dungeon only)

4 Pieces Effect:

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to cast Ice Nova when attacked. (Dungeon only)
  • 2% chance to cast Ice Sting when attacking. (Dungeon only)
  • 2% chance to cast Fireball when attacking. (Dungeon only)
Item Level: 69
Required Level: 56

Physical Attack +121
Physical Defense +273
Magical Defense +186
HP +2664

Awakening Charge Speed +276
Spiral Blast Skill Lv. +1
Rising Slash Skill Lv. +1
Sword Fall Skill Lv. +1

Magical Attack +173
Physical Defense +231
Magical Defense +226
HP +2318

HP +4625
All Attributes Resistance +15

Physical Attack +209
Physical Defense +187
Magical Defense +191
HP +784

Action Speed +92
Evasion +92

Magical Attack +105
Physical Defense +234
Magical Defense +153
HP +1176

Critical +92
All Attributes Resistance +10