Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Sander Explorer
(Before Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-1 once on any difficulty
Kill Vegar Trock (0/50) Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Sander Explorer
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill Vegar Trock (0/??) Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Band of Trock
(Before Titles Revamped)
Kill Vegar Trock (0/200)
Clear 8-1 on any difficulty with SS 3 times
Add 10% Bonus damage against all Trock mobs and minibosses in 8-1, 8-2, and Temple of the Wind (Dungeon)
Max HP +5%
Band of Trock
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill Vegar Trock (0/1)
Clear 8-1 on any difficulty with A Rank 3 times
Add 10% Bonus damage against all Trock mobs and minibosses in 8-1, 8-2, and Temple of the Wind (Dungeon)
Max HP +5%
All Elements Resistance +10
(Before Titles Revamped)
Kill Rocky Trock (0/50) Kill Rocky Trock (0/300) Action Speed +4.5%
Awakening Time +10.5%
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill Rocky Trock (0/1) Kill Trock Monster (0/3000) Action Speed +3%
Awakening Time +10.5%
Harpy Harpy
(Before Titles Revamped)
Kill Giant Garpai Harpy (0/150) Clear 8-2 any difficulty 10 times Add 10% Bonus Damage against all Harpy mobs (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed 5%
Harpy Harpy
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill Giant Garpai Harpy (0/1) Clear 8-2 any difficulty 3 times Add 10% Bonus Damage against all Harpy mobs (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed 5%
Wind Resistance +200
File:Wings of Steel.png Wings of Steel
(Before Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-2 Very Hard with SS rank Clear 8-2 Very Hard within 4 minutes 10 seconds All Elemental Resistance +25
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Wings of Steel
(After Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-2 Very Hard with S rank or higher Clear 8-2 Very Hard within 5 minutes
The Children of the Wind
(Before Titles Revamped)
Complete "Caluso Confusion" Story Quest Clear 8-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following: (0/5)
  • Clear within 4 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
Action Speed +2%
Evasion +2%
1% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Attack Speed 5%, Stackable up to 3 Times) when attacking (Not Overlapped)
The Children of the Wind
(After Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following: (0/5)
  • Clear within 6 Minutes
  • Achieve S Rank
Action Speed +2%
3% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Attack Speed 5%, Stackable up to 3 Times) when attacking (Not Overlapped)
Evasion +6%
Complete Explosives
(Before Titles Revamped)
Kill 100 Rash Fogta Trock (8-3) Kill 100 Rash Fogta Trock Critical Hit Rate +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Fire Resistance +100
2% chance to summon Rash Fogta Trock when attacking
Complete Explosives
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill 10 Rash Fogta Trock (8-3) Kill 50 Rash Fogta Trock Critical Hit Rate +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Fire Resistance +100
4% chance to summon Rash Fogta Trock when attacking
Stand Alone
(Before Titles Revamped)
Solo Clear 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 and 8-4 10 times. Clear 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 and 8-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following:
  • Take 30 hit or less each dungeon
Movement Speed +7.5%
Evasion +7.5%
Stand Alone
(After Titles Revamped)
Solo Clear 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 and 8-4 5 times. Movement Speed +7.5%
Evasion +7.5%
Damage increased by 1.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
Die Hard
(Before Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone Clear 8-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 25 times Reduced Damage +3%
Max HP +3%
Physical Defense +3%
Magical Defense +3%
Die Hard
(After Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 10 times
Never Give Up
(Before Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-4 Very Hard using at least 7 Resurrection Stones in a single run Kill Great Battle Chief Karu once on Very Hard Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 8-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against all minibosses in 8-4
Add 33% chance to avoid Great Battle Chief Karu's attacks
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all Caluso mobs in 8-4
(Note: All of these effects cannot be overlapped)
Never Give Up
(After Titles Revamped)
Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 8-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against all minibosses in 8-4
Add 33% chance to avoid Great Battle Chief Karu's attacks
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all Caluso mobs in 8-4
(Note: All of these effects cannot be overlapped)
Reduced Damage +4% (Arena)
Evasion +4% (Arena)
Storm Warrior
(Before Titles Revamped)
Kill 1 Enraged Sylphid Kill 9,999 Enraged Sylphids Wind Resistance +50
Piercing Chance +4%
While attacking:
3% chance of additional Vibration hit (Dungeon)
3% chance of summoning Desert Storm (Dungeon)
3% chance of summoning Whirlwind (Dungeon)
Storm Warrior
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill 3,333 Enraged Sylphids
Sand Wind's Evil Spirit
(Before Titles Revamped)
Solo clear 8-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Take 30 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Solo clear 8-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Action Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
5% chance of summoning a Ghost when attacking (Dungeon)
Sand Wind's Evil Spirit (After Titles Revamped) Solo clear 8-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/5):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
3% chance of summoning a Ghost when attacking (Dungeon)
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Additional Damage +2%
Action Speed +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
N/A Reaper
(Before 8-6 Released)
(Not Including NA and UK)
Clear 8-4 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take under 1 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following:
Any Caluso mobs on Very Hard (0/30,000)
Any Battle Chief on Very Hard (0/4,000)
Great Battle Chief Karu on Very Hard (0/800)
While attacking:
3% chance of summoning [ Sword of the Evil Spirit]
3% chance of summoning [ Sword of the Dead Soul]
3% chance of summoning [ Sword of the Dead Spirit]
(After 8-6 Released)
Clear 8-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take under 1 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following in 8-6 Very Hard:
Any Demon mobs (0/30,000)
Any Trock mobs (0/15,000)
Karis' True Form (0/800)
Attack on the Flying Ship
(Before Titles Revamped)
Complete "Legend of Behemoth" Story Quest Clear 8-5 Very Hard 5 times Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense -75
Magical Defense -75
Attack on the Flying Ship
(After Titles Revamped)
Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense -75
Magical Defense -75
All Elements Resistance -50
All weapons Element attributes +1%
(Before Titles Revamped)
Complete "Dispatch!! Sandtilus! 2/2" Story Quest Tentacle Core(8-6) (0/10) Add 3% chance to summon Falling Stones when attacking (Dungeon)
Petrifying Effect +2% (if you use Petrifying)
(After Titles Revamped)
Add 7% chance to summon Falling Stones when attacking (Dungeon)
Petrifying Effect +2% (if you use Petrifying)
Revenge Time Clear 8-6 Very Hard 5 times using at least one Resurrection Stone each run
Clear 8-6 Very Hard 5 times without consuming Resurrection Stone Physical Attack +75
Magical Attack +75
Additional Damage +1%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Attack Speed +1%
King of Destruction
(Before Titles Revamped)
Obtain Complete Explosives Title
Dismantle 300 Items
Kill 100 Bomberlord and 500 Bomber in 8-6 on any difficulty 1% chance of summoning Bomber when attacking
2% chance of Fireworks when attacking
Burning Effect +2% (if you use burning)
King of Destruction
(After Titles Revamped)
Kill 50 Bomberlord and 50 Bomber in 8-6 on any difficulty 10% chance of summoning Bomber when attacking
2% chance of Fireworks when attacking
Burning Effect +3% (if you use burning)
Accuracy +5%
Light Speed
(Before Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-6 on Very Hard under 5 minutes Clear 8-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 3 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Action Speed +7%
Light Speed
(After Titles Revamped)
Clear 8-6 on Very Hard under 6 minutes Clear 8-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 4 Minutes 1 Seconds
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Action Speed +7%
Movement Speed +7%
Jump Speed +7%
Returning to Ruben
(Before Titles Revamped)
Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 50 times
Clear 1-1 any difficulty 5 times All Stats (Except Awakening Charge Speed and Time) +1%
Returning to Ruben
(After Titles Revamped)
Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 25 times
Clear 1-1 once All Stats (Except Awakening Charge Speed and Time) +1%
Centuple Enriched Equipment
(Before Titles Revamped)
Achieve Lv 70
Socketing Equipment Lv 60 or higher 2000 times
Enhancing Equipment Successful Lv 60 or higher 500 times
Clear Henir's Time and Space any difficulty once All weapons Element attributes +1.5%
Repair Discount +5% (Max 10%)
ED gain +10% (Dungeon)
Centuple Enriched Equipment
(After Titles Revamped)
Critical Hit Rate +1.5%
Action Speed +1.5%
All weapons Element attributes +1.5%
Repair Discount +5% (Max 10%)
ED gain +10% (Dungeon)

*In order to discover Sander Titles from Sander Explorer to Shutdown!, you must achieve Level 60.
*In order to discover Sander Titles from Revenge Time to Returning to Ruben, you must achieve Level 65.


  • The title 3000! and its image is a possible reference to the film 300.