[主动技] 澄给周围对象刻印标记且攻击标记对象时进行支援炮击,支援炮击的伤害会随着发动支援炮击的攻击的伤害且无视格挡。


职业 最高等级 所需等级 每级消耗SP 分支技能
Shelling Guardian Lv. 20 35 3 火炮冲击


技能等级 所需等级 伤害 给予负面状态 MP消耗 冷却时间
支援炮击 (魔法)
per wave
显示 实际
1 35 126% 20% 3 3 2 秒 15 秒 25 MP 6 秒
2 130% 21% 20.65%
3 36 134% 21.3%
4 39 138% 22% 21.95%
5 42 142% 23% 22.6%
6 45 146% 23.25%
7 48 151% 24% 23.90%
8 51 155% 25% 24.55%
9 54 159% 25.2%
10 57 163% 26% 25.85%
11 60 167% 27% 26.5%
12 63 171% 27.15%
13 66 175% 28% 27.8%
14 69 179% 28.45%
15 72 183% 29% 29.1%
16 -* 187% 30% 29.75%
17 192% 30.4%
18 196% 31% 31.05%





Tips and Details

  • The rocket damage displayed by the skill information is rounded from the actual value. The actual value is used in damage calculation, so no two levels of this skill have the same rocket damage.
  • The damage of the rockets is a multiplier on the percentage of the last attack the marked target received.
    • E.g., if the target is hit by a 1300% physical attack, each rocket from Commander's Mark [14] would do 369.85% magical damage.
    • It is unknown how this skill interacts with Energy Spurt.
    • Allies can also activate bombardment.
  • The rockets build awakening charge and combo score only for last attacker.
    • Rocket critical hit rate is based on the last attacker.
  • The marking debuff is partially independent (attributes do not affect the rockets). Therefore, the rockets recover no MP.
  • The marking debuff cannot stack on a single target and one wave of rockets must complete before the next wave can be launched.
  • Commander's Mark's rocket wave is not activated by Artillery Support, a subsequent smash by Commander's Mark, nor attacks that hit a guarding foe (e.g., Bloody Glitter Defender) from the front.



  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • Changed to ignore guard.
    • Execution speed increased.
    • MP usage decreased from 40 MP to 25 MP.