File:Ai 2b.jpg

Aisha : High Magician analysis


High Magicians rely on their use of elemental skills to defeat her foes.


Baked Backgrounds



Image Description
  Sliding Fireball

Shoots 2 fireballs and dashes straight and turns around to shoot a 3rd fireball. This combo does not knockdown enemies and can be a great spamming lazy combo. Aisha becomes invincible during her sliding animation.

  Jumping Dash Fireball

Instead of 1 fireball only, Aisha can release 2 fireballs in mid-air. Can be used to spam if you only shoot 1 fireball, since it does not knock down the enemy.


Dash Fireball

Releases 2 fireballs in the opposite direction when dashing/ running instead of only 1.This however, knocks the mobs down.



Image Intermediate Magic Training
  Skill Description: The skill increases your magic attack power
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 150 Magic Attack Power
Prerequisites: 45SP invested in skill tree
Info: Good skill to have

Image Encouraging Aura
  Skill Description: All Party Buffs duration times increase, and consume less MP to cast.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Party buffs lasts for 10 more seconds and consume 30% less MP
Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree
Info: It is helpful for situations where you don't want to use a lot of MP to use party buffs such as Henir's Construction.

Image Fireball Study
  Skill Description: Fireball Study decreases the mana usage of your normal fireball combos, and increases their range
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Normal fireballs consume 25% less MP and has 50% more range
Prerequisites: 45SP invested in skill tree
Info: Great skill to have for fireball spamming

Image Infinite Energy
  Skill Description: Increases your maximum mana
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Increases your Max MP by 100
Prerequisites: 60SP invested in skill tree
Info: A must have skill to use high mages to the fullest.



Image Meditation (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: None
Cooldown: None
Skill Description: This skill is an ON/OFF skill, which you can toggle at any time. It Increases the mana regeneration of your character. However, you will not be able to run or dash during the effect, and using teleport during Meditation will consume 3 times the MP of its normal usage. Meditation will automatically turn off if you receieve any damage.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) You gain 11 MP per 2 seconds while walking or fighting, and gain 31 MP per 2 seconds when charging
Prerequisites: 40SP invested in skill tree
Info: Great skill to have to charge your mana

Special Actives

Image Chain Burst
  MP Usage: 100MP
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Skill Description: A skill that releases dozens of fireballs in any direction and ends with a straight, slighty more powerful fireball that inflicts a burn status. The skill is good for monster. At awakening, the amount of fireballs is increased.
Skill Mastery: (5SP)
Prerequisites: 40SP invested in skill tree

Image Magic Missile
  MP Usage: 200 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: Summons a glowing magic missle that automatically targets opponents and hits them. The missle disappears after the skill is usable again, or if it hits 6 times, or 8 hits at awakening. This skill can target different opponents.
Skill Mastery: (5SP)
Prerequisites: 50SP invested in skill tree

Image Blizzard Shower (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: 230 MP
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Skill Description: The character casts a certain amount of ice crystals from the air on a range of 10M, that damages enemies and freezes for 3 seconds. This skill can be used in mid-air.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Summons 15 ice crystals at the range of 10M, with each hit doing 419% magic attack.
Prerequisites: 60SP invested in skill tree

Image Infernal Wave
  MP Usage: 250 MP
Cooldown: 23 seconds
Skill Description: A combo skill that starts with 3 attacks with the staff. Afterwards, performs a Lightning Bolt that draws the enemy in and a Meteor Fire Call (The Meteor Call increases in size at awakening)
Skill Mastery: (5SP)
Prerequisites: 65SP invested in skill tree

Image Blaze Step (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: 300 MP
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Skill Description: The character casts a fire on her feet, causing anyone the ground to be on fire once stepped on, and enemies will continously get damaged, burned and hitstunned during contact. The skill does NOT gain MP per Hit.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Initial 69% burning damage, then continously does 63% magic burning damage. Lasts for 17 seconds
Prerequisites: 65SP invested in skill tree
