
[主动技] 艾拉用长矛快速进行刺击并将目标拉回。


职业 最高等级 所需等级 每级消耗SP 分支技能 小侠 Lv. 20 15 2 能量之枪


技能等级 所需等级 伤害(物理) 最大连击数 出血状态 气力消耗 MP消耗 冷却时间
触发几率 每秒伤害 持续时间 普通 气力转换
1 15 186% 2 75% 50% 2 秒 -1 0 0 MP 4 秒
2 190%
3 194%
4 16 199%
5 18 203%
6 20 207%
7 22 211%
8 24 215%
9 26 219%
10 28 224%
11 30 228%
12 32 232%
13 34 236%
14 36 240%
15 38 245%
16 40 249%
17 42 253%
18 44 257%
19 46 261%
20(M) 48 266%
21 -* 270%
22 274%
23 278%
24 282%
25 286%




描述:MP cost is increased by 5. It pulls targets in front in more, and increases range slightly.

  • The range increase isn't written on the note itself, so no value is known. The effective range is about the same as an non-noted Force Spear.

Tips and Details

  • Heavenly Strike's bleeding damage is based on your physical and magic attack average.


  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • MP usage -10.
    • Heavenly Strike now has a chance to inflict bleeding upon the second strike.
  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • 20 MP cost removed. Uses 1 spirit energy instead.
    • If activated via a cancel, no spirit energy is used.
  • 07/17/2014 KR
    • Fixed error where second hit missed if the skill note was applied.