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Promotional Image of the new Profession System

Czym jest profesja?

Profesje są to prace, których podjąć się może każda postać, dające im nowe różne funkcje. Obecnie dostępne są tylko 3 zawody: Poszukiwacz Skarbów, Kowal i Alchemik. Każda postać może mieć tylko jeden zawód. Prace mają też swój własny poziom, z maksymalnym 10 poziomem.

Profesja Opis Polecane
Poszukiwacz Skarbów Może niszczyć specjalne skrzynie na planszach z unikatowymi przedmiotami. Dla tych, którzy sumiennie czyszczą plansze!
Kowal Może uzyskać bonusy dzięki zaawansowanej technice demontażu, czarowania i tworzenia. Dla tych, którzy często się logują i dużo czasu spędzają w mieście!
Alchemik Może umocnić magiczne kamienie i tworzyć karty potworów Dla tych, którzy są zainteresowani gromadzeniem materiałów i tworzeniem przedmiotów!
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Kiedy można podjąć się profesji?

Wszystkie postacie będą miały dostęp do profesji, po osiągnięciu 40 poziomu. Po osiągnięciu tego poziomu profesje będą dostępne w menu. Jeśli będziesz chciał zmienić swój zawód, możesz kupić "Bilet Zmiany Profesji" w Item Shop'ie za 170 EL za sztukę (nie potwierdzona cena).

Poszukiwacz Skarbów

As a Treasure Hunter, you may obtain additional items from the boxes and encounter Treasure Chests in dungeons. In order to obtain EXP and level this profession, you must break Treasure Chests and other containers that you will find in dungeons.

When you destroy these Treasure Chests, you will be able to obtain special items, such as Ancient Coins, Mithril materials, Elixirs, or a Golden Accessory Cube.

Złote Akcesoria

If you are a lucky recipient of a Golden Accessory Cube, you can obtain one of five different golden accessories. The accessory that you will obtain will be sealed and needs to be identified with stats.




As a Blacksmith, you will obtain the ability to enhance equipment, similar to the Blacksmith NPCs in town. You will also receive new features, such as Advanced Enhancement, Advanced Dismantle, and the El Anvil. In order for Blacksmiths to obtain EXP, they must perform several Advanced Enhancement and Advanced Dismantle. Using the El Anvil will not yield any EXP.

These functions will require the use of a Mithril item for each enhancement or dismantle and a small ED cost. The type of Mithril item needed is dependent on the enhancement level of the equipment. However, using the El Anvil will not require any ED or Mithril items.

Advanced Enhancement

Advanced Enhancement is an improved version of the NPCs' enhancement function on equipment. It will give your equipment a chance to raise its enhancement level by multiple levels, at a maximum of 3 additional levels. This feature can only enhance equipment until +10, meaning this skill will never enhance an equipment to +11. The chance of achieving this will increase when you have a high Blacksmith Profession Level.


Advanced Dismantle

Advanced Dismantle is an improved version of every character's Dismantle function, where you can get special items, in addition to the normal materials obtained from the dismantled equipment. This will include a chance of obtaining a Magic Amulet (Random between level 5-9), El Shards, and Magic Stones. Your reward will be proportional to the enhancement level of your dismantled equipment and your current Blacksmith Profession Level.

Mysterious El Anvil


The El Anvil is a feature that allows Blacksmith characters to create random equipment. After using the Anvil, the resulting equipment that you will obtain will be randomized in terms of rarity, enhancement level, level requirement, and type of equipment. This function have a cooldown of 1 hour after each use. During your 10th use of the Anvil, you will be guaranteed in obtaining a Unique rare equipment.


As an Alchemist, you will receive the ability to craft exclusive items and use Advanced Magical Stone Enhancement. Alchemists can obtain EXP through these two features.


Advanced Magical Stone Enhancement

Unlike a normal Magic Stone enhancement, Alchemists can perform an advanced enhancement that will give a small chance to obtain high socket stats, at the cost of Elixir items. This small chance will increase as you raise your Alchemist Profession Level.


  • The Treasure Chests that contain these Profession items will only appear in dungeons if there is a Treasure Hunter present in the party.

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