In Elsword, three types of currency exist in Elrios that players can use to conduct transactions.

P.P. (Piè-pièce)

ED is the main currency of Elrios. It can be obtained in various ways such as defeating enemies in dungeons/hunting fields within your level range, selling items to an NPC, completing quests, or directly obtained from another player via trading or the Market. The maximum capacity of ED that a character can hold at a single moment is 2,000,000,000 while the capacity for ED trades is 700,000,000.

ED is primarily used as a fee for a majority of features, such as crafting, enhancing equipment, socketing equipment, and many more.

ED can be found in dungeons/hunting fields in four types of mediums: Bronze ED coin, Silver ED coin, Gold ED coin, and Gold ED Bars. The type of medium that will appear from defeated monsters is dependent on their level and the type of monster they are (e.g. Field Bosses will drop Gold ED Bars while regular bosses drop Gold ED coins).

P.B. (Point de Baston)

AP is a secondary currency that is used for PvP. The only methods of obtaining AP is to compete in Arena matches or Ereda Island matches. An additional 300 AP can be obtained twice every day by completing Camilla's daily random quests for Arena and Ereda Island. The amount of AP that will be rewarded on each match is dependent on the ranks of your opponents, your battle performance, and the number of opponents fought. The maximum capacity of AP that a character can hold at a single moment is 100,000.

AP can only be used as an additional currency for Camilla's shop. It cannot be traded to other players. For a list of available items that costs AP, click here to view a list.


Cash refers to the currency obtained using real money. This type of currency is only used for the Cash Shop/Item Mall. Each server possess a different name for this type of currency and a different conversion scale to match the country's currency rates.

Cash can only be obtained by using real cash.

Serveur Nom Conversion
Europe Elflouzes 1€ = 100 Elflouzes

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