Secret Phantom Fox Arts - 'Pulverization'

Revision as of 22:58, 12 December 2014 by Psycho K (talk | contribs) (Inflicts bleed only if Fox Smile is learned, bleed info moved to Fox Smile.)
[Secret Art] Fox's Meal has a secret extra move which can be used after using a series of skills. Upon successful activation, after Fox's Meal, Ara will perform a backflip and claw opponents in front of her.


Class Skills Requirement
Asura Phantom Fox 1: View Between
Phantom Fox 2: Shake Chaos
Phantom Fox 3: Rapid Raid
Phantom Fox 4: Fox's Meal

There are two methods to use this move

The first method is to:

  1. Begin with View Between
  2. Cancel with Shake Chaos
  3. Cancel with Rapid Raid
  4. Cancel with Fox's Meal

The second method is to:

  1. Assign View Between to a empty skill slot (you do not need to equip the other skills).
  2. Press the skill button in which you assign View Between.
  3. Press that skill button again before the final hit to activate Shake Chaos automatically.
  4. Press that skill button again before the final hit to activate Rapid Raid automatically.
  5. Press that skill button again before the final hit to activate Fox's Meal automatically.

Art Information

Fox's Meal
Skill Level
Damage Per Hit
Max Hits Total MP Cost Spirit Energy
Required Used Recovered
1 50 177% 10 200 MP 0 2~3 4~6
2 185%
3 53 193%
4 57 201%
5 61 209%
6 65 217%
7 69 225%
8 73 233%
9 77 241%

Tips and Details
