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Promotional Image for Way of the Sword Update in KR 10/20/2011

1.What is the Way of the Sword?

When playing Dungeon, there will be an additional gauge the "Way of the Sword" gauge which will enable you to activate "Aura of Vitality", "Spirit of Destruction" for a period of time depending on energy obtained shown in the gauge.

2.How do I obtain Way of the Sword points?

Depending on the type of command skill (e.g. Z and X key moves), you will gain points of vitality or destruction. When a certain amount of points are obtained, Elsword will be able to activate the respective aura.

Note that when a skill has a Destructive Property, it saps up destructive energy and produces vitality energy. Conversely, when a skill has a Vitality Property, it saps up vitality and produces destructive energy.

Aura Chart


파괴 (Orange Text) = Saps up Destruction Energy, Produces Vitality Energy
활력 (Blue Text) = Saps up Vitality Energy, Produces Destructive Energy

Skill Aura

- Parry: Destructive
- Kick: Vitality
- Armor Break: Destructive
- Fire Fist: Vitality
- Rolling Smash: Vitality
- Sword Enchant: Destructive
- Mega Slash: Destructive
- Assault Slash: Vitality
- Fatal Fury: Vitality
- Unlimited Blade: Vitality
- Flame Geyser: Destructive
- Triple Geyser: Destructive
- Air Slash: Destructive
- Wind Blade: Destructive
- Spiral Blast: Destructive
- Rising Slash: Destructive
- Windmill: Vitality
- Sword Fire: Vitality
- Armageddon Blade: Vitality
- Storm Blade: Destructive
- Double Slash: Destructive
- Phoenix Talon: Vitality
- Sonic Blade: Vitality
- Splash Explosion: Vitality
- Sandstorm: Destructive
- Luna Blade: Destructive

3.What is the "Sword of Vitality"?

When an attack (with vitality-producing properties) is successful (Command and skills), at the expense of the destruction aura, you will acquire an aura of vitality. At the peak of vitality energy, you unleash this azure aura.

This aura which consumes (through successful attacks) the collected energy will increase attack speed and movement speed and reduces the MP consumtion of skills/commands by 30% while increasing MP obtained from them (the skills etc)

You will stay in this state until the Vitality energy runs out and the effect wears off.

4.What is the "Sword of Destruction"?

When you apply a successful command or skill (with destructive energy-producing properties), you will acquire an aura of destruction. At the peak of destruction energy collected, you will unleash this crimson aura.

This aura which slowly consumes the energy will increase damage of skills and when hits are applied to enemy, you will also be able to neutralize enemy attacks with super armor for a period of time.

Normal Damage(melee) is doubled, skill damage is 1.5x.

You will stay in this state until the Destruction energy runs out and the effect wears off.