[Passive] Passively increases Magical Defense while having a certain chance of blocking any magic projectile and reflecting them back. In dungeons the chance of reflecting a projectile is multiplied by 3.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost per Level Alternative Skill Requirement
Rune Slayer Lv. 20 60 5 Iron Physique Level 60 Layer Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Required Level Magical
Projectile Reflect Chance
PVP Dungeon
1 60 +3.3% 3% 9%
2 +6.6% 6% 18%
3 63 +9.9% 9% 27%
4 67 +13.2% 12% 36%
5 71 +15.5% 15% 45%

Tips and Details

  • This passive is great for battling magic type classes, such as Grand Archer and Elemental Master, due to the fact that it can reflect arrows and fireballs.
    • The chance procs on each hit of the starballs used by Battle Magician/ Dimension Witch.
    • This passive is lag-sensitive. Do not rely on it if there is lag during the match.
  • It can reflect Aisha's active Flame Wave.
  • This skill can be easily replaced by Phoenix Talon due to the fact that it can absorb projectiles for mp and burn opponents.
  • This passive can be, if you are lucky enough, combined with Counterattack. It will reflect the projectile while Elsword will do the stance when hit during Counterattack.
  • Oddly enough, if Rune Slayer's runes or Blazing Heart's fireballs are reflected, they affect your Way of the Sword gauge.


  • In KR, this skill was originally named as Magic Resistance Training.
