
We used your gradient HTML for the main templates on the front page. Your work is appreciated, and good job on making it pretty! We'd like to see your ideas on other visual overhauls. Kajin (talk) 14:42, 21 July 2014 (EDT)


I've removed the line, I was just testing a method of category based sidebar, but that idea doesn't seem to work. At the moment I'm messing about with the sidebar to optimize it

Sidebar Nav

Thanks for those. Do you have anything I could use to replicate the old sidebar we had? The CSS dropdown one. I'm trying to recreate it right now


Hey do you have Skype? I'd like to talk to you over that instead of constant topics.


Hey, are you trying to rework the tabs? If so, are you done yet? It's broken on a lot of pages.

Certain dungeon pages are broken


Tabs rollbacked

Hey this is Kenny. I have rollbacked Tabs to original version for now.

The new one causes a huge spike in response time for some reason, I'm not sure why.

Old tab response time: 300ms

New tab response time: 1.2kms

When I changed back to the old tab, the response time instantly decreased.

Please look into fixing this before trying the new tab again


Updating old images

Sorry, it's fixed now.

Heading Color

Think you can find a way to make them white again? Black doesn't read well compared to white mixed with the fact the text has a slight shadow effect. That is all. Gameboy224 (talk) 19:27, 23 September 2014 (PST)

I am now trying to adding heading anchor to it, thus it should be temporary black with <hN> tags. Boxsnake (talk) 23:08, 23 September 2014 (EDT)

I've tried to make it possible for links such as this navigate to 7-4's Mob section, and I tried out <h3> tag just now, and this trick makes it black. Boxsnake (talk) 23:13, 23 September 2014 (EDT)

Tabs Template

Hi. Do you think you can update the Tabs template so that it works for the other Wikiskins besides Vector? None of the other skins can view the tabs correctly except the default one. Rokujou (talk) 15:28, 13 October 2014 (EDT)

When you're looking at different Skins, does the tabs display as if there is no border but only the main structure? This is because the tabs's main structure is written in all skins, but the Vector Skin make it finer with borders and something else (color settings, border setting, radius borders, and paddings, and more detailed settings are going with Vector).

As you request, I am going to temporarily copy the Vector setting to other skins. And later, I will try to make tabs look different in different skins.

Before, all that was visible were the names on the tab without anything else. No tab, border, color, or even any spacing between the tab names. Now, it works properly. Thank you very much! Rokujou (talk) 15:49, 13 October 2014 (EDT)

My pleasure. That's because the tab spacing color and borders are stated in the skin, and the common skin (for all skins) only define the tab structure.

And just for curiosity, which skin are you using now? Maybe I am going to try new looking in the skin you're using. Boxsnake (talk) 15:53, 13 October 2014 (EDT)

I'm using Monobook. I set this as my default for any wiki that I visit. Rokujou (talk) 15:59, 13 October 2014 (EDT)

Hi, it is possible to support pipe's (|) in the Tabs-Template? This would make your work easier, because you doesn't have to restructur all tables. Deathcrow (talk) 08:27, 16 October 2014 (EDT)

I hope I can, but actually, the parser may be confused..... LOL Boxsnake (talk) 04:29, 16 October 2014 (EDT)

The Wiki internal parser will split by pipe and destroy the structure of {| ... |} styled tables before the table could be parsed. Boxsnake (talk) 04:44, 16 October 2014 (EDT)

Story/de Deletion

Hi, the reason is that we had three Sites with more or less the same content. (Elsword_World/de, Lore/de, Story/de) The content of the three sites was copied to one site (Elsword_World/de). So the other sites are not necessary. But after your feedback, I think for the future, if the german site with the Story and Elsword_World site on the same level as the english one, than is only to blank the page the better idea. Deathcrow (talk) 03:41, 30 December 2014 (UTC +1)



  • Network down. Can not login QQ. I am in the computer lab and there's no way to install programs. Talk here for what you want to say.
    • _(:з」∠)_只是想你批量替换一些链接而已,因为英文那边改了一些艾拉技能的链接,需要替换的链接列表已经发到群共享了,到时候你回去看就行(
      • 替换链接地址发这里吧。。。
        • 就是替换双引号内的东西,前面的[[别删,不然错一堆

“[[Specter of Thunder”→“[[Spell : Thunder”

“[[Specter of Storm”→“[[Spell : Storm”

“[[Necromancy”→“[[Spell : Necromancy”

“[[View Between”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 1 : Savor”

“[[Phantom Fox Stance 1 : View Between”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 1 : Savor”

“[[Phantom Fox Stance 2 : Shake Chaos”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 2 : Discordance”

“[[Shake Chaos”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 2 : Discordance”

“[[Rapid Raid”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 3 : Rapid Raid”

“[[Fox's Meal”→“[[Phantom Fox Stance 4 : Fox's Meal”

“[[Exorcism Stance 2 : Restraints Specter”→“[[Exorcism Stance 2 : Specter Restraints”

“[[Restraints Specter”→“[[Exorcism Stance 2 : Specter Restraints”

“[[Darkness Sever”→“[[Exorcism Stance 4 : Darkness Sever”

“[[Fox Smile”→“[[Fox's Laugh”

“[[Night Parade of One Hundred Specters”→“[[Night Parade of One Hundred Souls”

  • 我知道怎么写规则的。。。。
    • 没,我只是怕你省了[[然后一堆喜闻乐见了而已233
      • 我发现文本替换好像是1小时或者2小时整点开始工作,所以可能要等很久。。。。
      • 备注一下通用规则:如:\[\[Specter[_ ]of[_ ]Thunder([^]]*)\]\]替换为[[Spell : Thunder$1]],开启正则。
        • 上面的这坨,前面的“[[”改成“link=”例如“link=Fox Smile”→“link=Fox's Laugh”再批量替换一次,技能树上的没换(

Old Databases

I went through all of the deleted pages. All the ones that have information that still applies in the current game has been restored. Also, all the costume pages that are made by User:G123u and User:RefrainZero have been restored. I also restored the Template:ItemRef because some people use it to obtain image icons. All the ones that are truly old remain deleted.

Rokujou (talk) 18:43, 31 December 2014 (EST)

AlternateLanguages problem

We have a problem with the template. User:Rokujou/test4 shows that the template is unable to stack the lists of translations on different rows. Rokujou (talk) 21:55, 1 January 2015 (EST)

Problems appeared since you've updated templates

Hi, so 2 problems appeared :

The first one is this
This template doesn't work anymore (speed, range and difficulty) since I've updated it this morning. It doesn't show the colours and I don't know how to make them appear again.
If you want to check it out : Elsword/fr
The second one is this
I updated this template this morning but it added gradient color so is it possible to remove the gradient ?
Thank you !

    • You know, I have lots of things to change, so the first one will be changed later (I am now working with Infoboxes). And I have remove the gradient as you request for the second one.
  • For second one, I think it is not a problem. The gradient is fancier and is compatible in all browsers (If do not support gradient, it will be true color).