Combo Description Damage
Ciel makes three quick slashes with his gunblades. He then slides on the ground and shoots a bullet upwards, launching targets. Pressing X will switch to Lu who will kick the enemies mid-air.

Physical Damage 100%
Physical Damage 120%
Physical Damage 150%
Magical Damage 100%
Physical Damage 100%

Ciel rapidly shoots six bullets from his gunblades. Each shot from his gunblade costs mana.

Magical Damage 150% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 150% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 100% x2 (2 MP x2)
Magical Damage 250% (2 MP)

  • Extra melee damage - Physical Damage 50%
Ciel rapidly shoots five bullets from his gunblades. Each shot costs mana. The final shot can be charged by holding Z. Pressing X will switch to Lu who will kick the enemies in front.

Magical Damage 150% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 150% (2 MP)
Magical Damage 100% x2 (2 MP x2)
Magical Damage 250~500% (3 MP)

  • Extra melee damage - Physical Damage 50%

Phy. Damage 100%

Single jump slash.

Physical Damage 100%

Shoots a single bullet.

Magical Damage 150%

Slides and kicks the target.

Physical Damage 75% x2

Rolls behind the enemy, shooting a bullet backwards mid-somersault.

Magical Damage 150%

Ciel makes an upward slash and then throws out two grenades. The grenades cost mana.

Physical Damage 75% x2
Magical Damage 150% x2

  • Extra melee damage - Physical Damage 100%
Ciel boosts himself upwards and shoots down three times. Pressing Z will summon Lu who will launch herself downwards, smashing the ground with her claw.

Magical Damage 200%
Magical Damage 200%
Magical Damage 200%
Magical Damage 250%
Physical Damage 120% x2