File:Magic Knight.png

Elsword First Job: Magic Knight


Magic Knight relies on his sword and fireballs to fight.




Image Description
  Knockback Combo

This combo's main use is disperse or group enemies together. Generally, it isn't used as often as his other two new combos.

  Dash Combo

Magic Knight's dash combo is great for fighting a group of enemies, or evading a hit. In PvP this combo can come in handy for avoiding enemies when you are low on HP. The fireball also deals high magic damage, perfect for opponents with high physical defense.

  Aerial Combo

His aerial combo is good for sniping from a range, or fighting against flying monsters. It is also good for trapping an enemy to start a combo, since it has a bit of stun lock after it hits. Just like his dash combo, the aerial combo releases a fireball with high magic damage which is strong against opponents with high physical defense.


Special Active

  Berserker Blade
  Flying Impact
File:STSactive3.png Shockwave
File:STSactive5.png Hypersonic Stab
File:STSactive4.png Bloody Excel


  Shadow Strafe
File:STactive2.png Cut Tendon


  Advanced Physical Buff


  Intermediate Power Training
  Infinity Cause
  Trained Body
  Shadow Pierce
File:STPassive6.png Victory of Confidence


Image Intermediate Magic Training
  Skill Description: Increases your magic attack power moderately.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Increases your magic attack power by 150.
Prerequisites: 45SP invested in skill tree
Info: An important passive for all Magic Knights. It will increase the damage of your fireballs, and magic skills as well. This skill is a prerequisite for Advanced Magic Buff.

Image Enhanced Fireball
  Skill Description: Increases the damage of your fireballs.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Increases the damage of your fireballs by 25%.
Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree
Info: Another general skill for Magic Knights. It encourages the use of your magical combos, making them deal even more damage.

Image Powerful Mind
  Skill Description: Focuses some of your magic power to also increase your physical power.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) Focuses 5% of your magic power to also increase your physical power.
Prerequisites: 60SP invested in skill tree
Info: Since most of Magic Knight's regular attacks are still physical, this skill is quite important for him. This skill is a prerequisite for the Rune Slayer passive skill Power Seal.


Image Advanced Physical Buff
  MP Usage: 100 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: For 10 seconds your physical attack power is increased drastically. (does not stack with Party Buffs)
Skill Mastery: (3SP) For 10 seconds your physical attack power is increased by 40%.
Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree
Info: Not commonly used since Magic Knight's skills rely on magic attack. Some builds include this skill to raise the damage of their combos in PvP, after having their enemies trapped, although uncommon.

Image Advanced Magic Buff
  MP Usage: 100 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: For 10 seconds your magic attack power is increased drastically. (does not stack with Party Buffs)
Skill Mastery: (3SP) For 10 seconds your magic attack power is increased by 40%.
Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree, Intermediate Magic Training (5SP)
Info: This skill is usually used before a high damaging attack skill, greatly raising the attack power for a low cost of MP. Since all Magic Knight skills are based off magic attack, this buff applies to all of them.


Image Firefist (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: 20 MP
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Skill Description: Grabs the enemy inflicting immediate physical damage, and concentrating your magic power to cause major explosions. The explosions deal multiple hits of magic damage. (It is a special skill that needs to be unlocked.)
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 100% initial physical damage, 60% magic damage (8 hits)
Prerequisites: 40SP invested in skill tree
Info: Without this skill, Magic Knights would be limited to a lot less combos. It is mainly for trapping an enemy in a combo, but also charges your awakening bar fairly quickly. For the amount of MP it takes, it does a lot of damage when mastered.

Special Actives

Image Wind Blade
MP Usage: 110 MP
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Skill Description: Summon a giant blade that deals high magic damage.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 1277% magic damage
Prerequisites: 40SP invested in skill tree
Info: Wind Blade is his strongest low MP special active (unless you have Assault Slash). It has a large vertical and horizontal range, making it very hard to miss, and very annoying to dodge.

Image Rising Slash
  MP Usage: 210 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: Summon large blades that thrust upwards from the ground, launching opponents into the air.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 333% magic damage (5 hits)
Prerequisites: 50SP invested in skill tree
Info: Although not as powerful as Sword Fire, this skill is required to learn Storm Blade. Players who decide not to get Storm Blade tend to avoid this skill completely. Like Wind Blade, it is quite hard to dodge in PvP.

Image Sword Fire (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: 200 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: Concentrate the power of fire in your sword and drive it into the ground causing explosions in a 3M radius. Enemies hit will burn for 6 seconds. For a short period of time the caster will have a sword of fire which will burn enemies when attacking regularly. (Burning damage depends on your magic attack power.) (This skill can be casted in the air.) (In Awakening this skill's damage is reduced, but the number of hits significantly increases.) (It is a special skill that needs to be unlocked.)
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 219% magic damage (12 hits maximum), 10 seconds sword fire effect, burns for 3 seconds, 137% magic damage in awakening (30 hits maximum)
Prerequisites: 60SP invested in skill tree
Info: The closer you are to an opponent, the more hits they will receive. This skill allows you to continue combos by attacking after it is casted, making it a very deadly skill in PvP. In awakening it deals plenty more damage. However, this skill has a very limited amount of invincible frames; as soon as you touch the ground you become vulnerable to attack.

Image Storm Blade
  MP Usage: 300 MP
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Skill Description: Summon dozens of giant blades inflicting instant magic damage, then rotate them at a high speed dealing continuous hits. Depending on how far the enemy is, the rotating blades will deal a varying amount of magic damage.
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 399% initial magic damage, 133~266% magic damage (24 hits maximum)
Prerequisites: 65SP invested in skill tree, Rising Slash (5SP)
Info: Against human-sized enemies, Storm Blade is Magic Knight's most damaging skill. The giant center blade deals twice as much damage as its ranged blades, so it is recommended to cast this skill directly in front of enemies. Since Storm Blade is a multi-hit skill, using it only when you are sure your opponents have low MP is advised. This is because holding Z or X keys and charging your MP past 100 forces a knockdown, as a defense against multi-hit skills or long combos. Against bigger enemies, the Elsword skill Triple Geyser is still stronger.

Image Phoenix Talon (LOCKED)
  MP Usage: 300 MP
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Skill Description: Summon a phoenix that flies straight into the sky dealing magic damage, launching opponents. It then comes crashing down back into the caster's body, activating multiple buffs. For 30 seconds the caster will have a 20% increase in movement and jump speeds, and absorb all magical projectiles as 10MP instead of taking damage. (This skill deals higher amounts of damage in Awakening.) (It is a special skill that needs to be unlocked.)
Skill Mastery: (5SP) 274% magic damage (8 hits, 361% in awakening), 245% final hit magic damage (356% in awakening)
Prerequisites: 65SP invested in skill tree
Info: Phoenix Talon's initial damage when casted may not be impressive for the amount of MP it requires, but it should be enough to clear weaker mobs in dungeon when mastered. The buff absorbs most magical projectiles, making for the perfect mage and archer-killer in PvP. Your movement and jump speeds are also increased, making it easier to chase enemies down.

Visuals of skills
Wind Blade
