
[Special Active] Summons a gear with condensated El Energy. Stuns the environment when summoned, and the gear fires a shock ball at the target whenever Eve attacks or use a skill. Pressing the skill key again while the gear is active will trigger a mass release, however only half of the remaining shock balls will be fired (e.g. summoning the gear with 100 shock balls and insantly releasing will only fire 50). The mass release is only possible if a target is selected by hitting them after the gear is summoned. The gear will not function if a mass release is attempted without selecting a target.

This skill is affected by El Crystal Spectrum. When used in Amplify Mode, the shock balls released will be larger and stronger, and when in Spectrum Mode, it will release 3 smaller shock balls. Shock balls can then be further amplified or multiplied by casting a skill which generates a force field for a few seconds (e.g. Sweep Rolling). As the skill hits the targets, the shock balls are released and passed through the force field, multiplying or amplifying the balls.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Code Electra Lv5 65SP
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Skill Information

Skill Level Number of Stars Magic Damage CD
1 100 61% per star 30 seconds 300
2 73% per star
3 85% per star
4 97% per star
5(M) 116% per star

Additional Information

  • The gear stays active indefinitely, disappearing only when its ammunition is exhausted.


  • Despite what the name suggests, there are only a hundred stars, not a thousand.
  • The gear glows red and blue in amplify mode and spectrum mode respectively.
