Magic Knight
Full Name
Magic Knight
Sword, Magic, Fireballs

Magic Knight


Magic Knight is a swordsman with magical abilities. He has a flaming fist that throws fireballs to both distract and destroy. This gives the otherwise close quarter fighter a few ranged attacks that can be combined to make the hot headed Elsword an incendiary opponent. The Magic Knight is uniquely suited to control large mobs.

Magic Knight can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Magic Knight's Medal

First Class Advancement

Elsword is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Eliminate 15 of the Bomber Mongs in 2-4 on any difficulty.
  2. Defeat 14 Jangos and Kid Phorus on 2-4 Hard or above (☆☆).
  3. Talk to the Accessory Shop Owner in Elder, Ruichel.
  4. Complete 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) within 15 minutes.

After completing the Knight quest chain, Elsword can decide between advancing as a Sword Knight or Magic Knight or Sheath Knight.

Magic Knight

  1. Clear the Underground Waterway within 10 minutes on Hard or higher. (☆☆)
  2. Collect 30 Runic Power Crystals, 10 Dead Tree Pieces, and 5 Intermediate Mana Potions
    • Chat with Echo to start this quest.
    • You can loot Runic Power Crystal from the Ghost Magician in the Shadow Forest (Any Difficulty).
    • You can loot Dead Tree Pieces from the White Ghost Magician in the Underground Waterway (Any Difficulty).
    • You can buy the Intermediate Mana Potion from Echo.
  3. Clear Wally's Castle on Hard with at least a B rank or above.
  4. Collect 1 drop from one of Wally's Guardians at Wally's Caste on Very Hard mode. (☆☆☆)

At Lv35, a Magic Knight can advance into a Rune Slayer.

Skill Tree

Additional Combos


Knockback Slash

An upgraded dash attack, Elsword now hits three times for his dash attack, the final hit dealing large damage while having heavy knockback.


Fireball Dash

Elsword does his dash attack and slides toward the opposite direction and launches out a large fireball that can pierce through enemies.


Aerial Firball

After dashing into the air, Elsword summons out a fireball that knocks down and deals magical damage.


Special Active

  Wind Blade
  Rising Slash
  Sword Fire  
  Storm Blade
  Phoenix Talon  


File:ElSkill8.png Iron Body
  Fire Fist  


  Power Adrenaline
  Magic Adrenaline


  Counter Chance
  Intermediate Magic Training
  Enhanced Fireball
  Powerful Mind
