[Passive] If your HP reaches 0, your entire amount of spirit energy will be consumed to protect you from death.
Requires at least 3 energy orbs. |
Class | Master | Level Required | SP Cost Per Level | Alternative |
Yama Raja | Lv. 20 | 50 | 4 | Self-defense Spirit |
Skill Information
Skill Level | Level Required | Fixed HP Regain | HP Regain per Spirit Power |
Spirit Energy | Cooldown |
1 | 50 | 4% | 0.8% | Consumes All (Minimum: 3) |
54 Seconds |
2 | 5% | 1% | 50 Seconds | ||
3 | 53 | 6% | 1.2% | 46 Seconds | |
4 | 57 | 7% | 1.4% | 42 Seconds | |
5 | 61 | 8% | 1.6% | 38 Seconds | |
6 | 65 | 9% | 1.8% | 34 Seconds | |
7 | 69 | 10% | 2% | 30 Seconds | |
8 | 73 | 11% | 2.2% |
Tips and Details
- Damage from the last killing hit will carry over to the HP regenerated.
- If enough damage is done in a single hit, you will die if your remaining and regenerated HP is not greater than the damage dealt.
- This passive can activate if you are killed by El Shard enchanted weapons, but it won't activate from other damage-over-time statuses such as Frostbite or Burning.
- This passive activates before the user is technically dead, so if you are resurrected while awakened, you'll maintain your awakening.
- Similar to Flexible Movement, you will not be knocked down if Resurrection activates from a skill that inflicts Stun.
- Resurrection's Chinese name, 回光返照, means Supernatural Power, and is a reference to an old Chinese proverb relating the setting of the sun to supernatural power.
- It can also mean a momentary recovery of consciousness just before death.
- 08/22/2013 KR
- Fixed problem where the debuff and activation only could be seen by the player
- Fixed so debuff cool down applies even when using resurrection stone.
- When the user reached 0 HP, Resurrection will be triggered and the user will fall immediately.
- 11/07/2013 KR
- Cooldown decreased (from 180 Seconds to 55 Seconds at level 1).
- Now the cooldown decreases as you level the skill.
- 03/13/2014 KR
- Fixed tool tip error showing shorter cooldown time than intended.
- 05/15/2014 KR
- Hp Regain increased.
- Cooldown increased.
Alternative Names
Server | Name | Translation |
France | Dernier rayon de soleil | Last ray of sun |
United Kingdom | Last Ray of Sunshine |