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Shelling Guardian
Full Name
Chung Seiker
Shelling Guardian
Class Tree

Shelling Guardian


Shelling Guardian deals with heavy artillery and a wide range of heavy weapons from a distance, but can also inflict powerful blows at enemies in close range. Able to use cannon balls in a varied and continuous manner by leveraging the management of cannonballs so as to achieve the maximal firepower.


Chung discovers research documents that recorded the procedure strengthening of his Father's Guardian stone and made use of it the improve the Destroyer. But the research documents were incomplete, and he was not able to complete this improvement further.

As Chung explored the Elrios continent, he gathered information about Alchemy and Explosives, and eventually finalized the design for his new Destroyer. The new cannon enabled him to conduct concentrated bombardment-style artillery strikes, thus giving him the title "Shelling Guardian"

First Class Advancement

Chung is required to be Lv 15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Defeat William to collect one drop from him on 2-4 on any difficulty .
  2. Talk to Lenphad in Elder
  3. Defeat William on 2-4 on hard (☆☆) or higher.
  4. Clear 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆) with a "B" rank or higher.

After completing the Guardian quest chain, Chung can decide between advancing as a Shooting Guardian, Fury Guardian or Shelling Guardian.

Shelling Guardian

Additional Combos


Special Active

  Chaos Cannon
  Wonder Wall
  Big Bang Stream
  Dread Chase
  Carpet Bombing


  Mark of Commander
  Elastic Bomb




  Ability Cannoneer
  Converted Warhead
  Cannoneer Withstanding



Shelling Guardian's in-game model(no textures)
Shelling Guardian's teaser video, before his release
