[Passive] Reinforces all Aura Accelerators to decrease the defense of nearby opponents.
Aura Power Accelerator decreases Physical Defense, Aura Magic Accelerator decreases Magic Defense, and Aura Shield Accelerator decreases both Physical and Magical Attack.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Elemental Master Lv5 75SP
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You must complete the Advanced Branch Skill Quest.

Skill Information

Skill Level Aura Power Accelerator
Physical Defense Debuff
Aura Magic Accelerator
Magical Defense Debuff
Aura Shield Accelerator
Physical/Magical Attack Debuff
1 4% 4% 10%
2 7% 7% 15%
3 10% 10% 20%
4 12% 12% 25%
5 (M) 15% 15% 30%

Tips & Details

  • Duration of the debuff lasts for 1/3rd of the duration of a buff; with a maxed Encouraging Aura and Party Buff, the debuff will last for roughly 18 seconds.
  • Enemies under the effects of the debuff are marked with a Broken Armour icon.
  • Typically used in conjunction with a Magic/Power Buff to debuff Magic-Defensed Buffed mobs in Luto Hell mode (as these mobs will typically take only 1 damage from most attacks your party members can send off) or bosses (as they have exceptionally high HP).
