EP.2-1 冒险伴侣!!
图标 | 名称 | 简介 | 获得方法 |
迷你噗鲁 | 会成为你的朋友的可爱的迷你噗鲁! | 完成史诗EP.2-1 [副本] (宠物)污染的生命之结晶 3/3 | |
红围巾噗鲁 | 会成为你的朋友的可爱的迷你噗鲁! | ? | |
佣兵噗鲁 | 一只黑色的迷你噗鲁! | 绯焰武者开放活动(2013年8月21日 - 9月3日)的时限宠物,活动结束后删除 | |
圣诞节麋鹿噗鲁 | 穿着麋鹿外套的迷你噗鲁! | 2012年12月18日 - 12月26日 商城贩售 | |
女巫噗鲁 | 穿着女巫服饰的迷你噗鲁! | 韩服2013年万圣节贩售 | |
泡泡大乱斗噗鲁 | 穿着奇特服饰的迷你噗鲁! | 韩服泡泡大乱斗VS艾尔之光活动(2011年11月17日 - 12月1日)获得 | |
HAT'S ON噗鲁 | 穿着HAT'S ON服饰的迷你噗鲁! | 韩服活动获得 | |
NAVER噗鲁 | 穿着奇特服饰的迷你噗鲁! | 韩服NAVER活动获得 | |
火花噗鲁 | 会玩火花游戏的迷你噗鲁! | 年末新年活动(2013年12月27日 - 12月31日)获得 | |
Chinajoy噗鲁 | 戴有Chinajoy标志的围巾的迷你噗鲁! | Chinajoy活动(2012年7月4日 - 8月8日)获得 | |
热血橘子噗鲁 | 戴有游戏橘子标志的围巾的迷你噗鲁! | 港台服活动获得 | |
新手门将噗鲁 | 穿着球服的迷你噗鲁! | 艾里奥斯杯活动(2014年6月11日 - 6月24日)获得 |
- 点击召唤可以将你的宠物召唤出来,跟随你进行战斗,解除召唤则相反。
- 绿色的槽是饱食度,当杀死怪物后,饱食度会逐渐减少。
- 蓝色的槽是亲密度。
- 当宠物的饱食度超过40%时,杀死怪物的同时,宠物的亲密度会略微增加。
- 生命之结晶
- 幼体
- 成体
- 完成体
1. 身体
2. 灵魂
3. 姿势
4. 拾取
- 进化到幼体时可以解锁身体技能。
- 进化到成体时可以解锁灵魂技能。
- 进化到完成体时可以解锁姿势技能。
- 进化到幼体以上时,从商城购买并使用宠物的宝贝拾取器 (338金币)可以解锁拾取技能。
Normal Phoru
Ruldoph Phoru
Witch Phoru
New year Phoru
- 艾尔之树种子(通过兑换、古代化石鉴定器或者活动获得)
- 艾尔之树果实(商城获得)
- 装备
- 酷比果冻
- 中和的神秘草(金秋“驯龙记”活动)
- 宠物只接受低于你的人物等级10级以上的装备。
- 装备等级越高,增加的饱食度越多。武器增加的饱食度比防具更多。
- 一旦宠物的 亲密度 超过70%,你的宠物将进如“特殊模式” 。进入特殊模式的宠物名字前有特殊的 前缀。
- 在特殊模式时,你的宠物只接受艾尔之树种子或果实,不再接受其它任何食物,直至宠物进化至下一阶段或者亲密度低于70%。
- 如果想让你的宠物离开“特殊模式”,只需要不喂它食物,在下降饱食度的同时降低亲密度。
- 一旦宠物的亲密度低于 70%,你的宠物将离开“特殊模式”,反之,宠物将进入“特殊模式”。
- 您还可以制作美味的“酷比果冻”来喂食你的宠物。制作酷比果冻的过程很简单,并且只需要基本的材料。
- 然而,和普通装备一样,当它们达到它们的 "特殊状态",宠物是不会接受酷比果冻的。
你可以通过分解装备来获得制作酷比果冻的艾尔结晶,可以在除魔奇外各个村庄的 铁匠 处制作不同等级的酷比果冻。
制作酷比果冻的时候有一定几率制作出一个 奇怪的 或者是一个 梦幻的 。
- 使用相应等级梦幻的酷比果冻喂食你的宠物,能立即增加2点亲密度。
- 使用相应等级奇怪的酷比果冻喂食你的宠物,能立即减少5点亲密度。
Pet Inventory
Pets have an inventory on their own which you can store on at all times. You can access it by pressing the pet button in your inventory menu. However, your pet must be an Infant or older to have their own pet inventory. The higher the level of your pet, the more inventory spaces you will have.
Inventory Sizes
Accordingly, you can add items on the pet inventory which you can save later on to feed him or enable automatic feeding to let him eat it automatically.
The checkbox on the top enables Automatic Feeding.
When your pet's Hunger is lower than 80%, he will automatically eat the items available in his inventory. The sequence of order that he will eat is on this order:
- Level of Equipment (Least to Greatest)
- El Tree Seeds
- El Tree Fruits
Pet Commands
In addition to your pet's Skills and Energies, another system has been added to allow more interaction between with you and your pet.
You can also talk with your pet, to have a fun time with him/her, and the pet will interact or respond to you based on what you say.
Your pet's Affinity will also affect on how he/she will respond to you.
Here's a following list of commands you can type to your pet that he/she will respond on:
嗨! 打招呼! 你好! 哈喽! 坐下! 等着! 休息! 站! 起来! 站起来! 跟上来! 过来! 来呀! 撒娇! 来来来! 装可爱! 打你! 不要做! 会挨训! 别发贱! 睡吧! 呼呼! 晚安! 爱你! 喜欢你! 乖!
When raising a pet, you will also discover your pet's personality later on as time passes.
Your pet's personality is based off of how you treat it and it will affect on how it will respond to you when you talk to it.
General things to know about Pet Personality before we get started:
- There are two ways of "applying" personality changes after the required affinity has been reached: relogging or resummoning (as in, calling your pet back to its crystal, then summoning it again). Both have very minimal practical differences.
- Pet personality changes 0.25 points at a time. Thus, you need to have it change at least 4 times to raise personality by 1 point.
- If using the resummoning method, pet personality will change 0.2 points at a time for a pet in adult form; however, a 4% affinity difference is enough to induce such change. (Source)
- If using the resummoning method, pet personality will change 0.2 points at a time for a pet in adult form; however, a 4% affinity difference is enough to induce such change. (Source)
- At 100% affinity, x axis personalities like Sensible and Impulsive are subject to change whereas y axis personalities like Sociable and Shy are not subject to change.
- Logging Out means clicking either Game Exit, Character Select or changing channels through Server Select. Changing Channels with the bar on the top right of the screen IS CONSIDERED “Logging Out”
- An affinity gap is required to change a pet’s personality – you must have at least 5% affinity difference from the affinity your pet was at last time you logged in to induce a change in personality (Adult form only).
- Feeding your pet with Fantastic QPL Jellies count towards affinity increase. However, first feed of the day that increases affinity by 2% DOES NOT count.
- Large affinity gap changes (e.g. 10% or 20% at a time) will not necessarily change personality proportionately.
- If affinity is decreased, it will never affect Shy and but it will always affect Sociable.
- Staying logged in at town with your pet summoned does not have any effect on pet personality, assuming you do not run any dungeons.
- This guide is written based on Adult forms. For teen and infant stages, an even larger change in affinity gap is required to affect their personality.
- Crystal: minimum 48%.
- Infant: minimum 21%.
- Teen: minimum 10%.
- When you are changing pet personality from 100%~ high affinity and highly Sociable to Shy, don't log out. It is recommended that you have lots of stamina and Strange QPL jellies for lots of dungeon runs. (The strategy is to run multiple dungeons, starving your pet until 70% affinity, then to relog. But to minimize personality loss, you shouldn't relogin midway into the process.)
When pet is turned Sociable(+),
- When attacking, 300 Pet MP is consumed
- Starts cheering when the summoner's HP is 15% or less.
To turn Sociable(+): After first login, run dungeon once. When you log out, the affinity change has to be 4% or less (Excluding the first food of the day, and when you are at affinity 100%)
When pet is turned Shy(-)
- While attacking, 250 Pet MP is consumed
- Starts cheering when the summoner's HP is 30% or less.
To turn Shy(-): After first login, run one or more dungeons. When you log out, your affinity change has to be at least 5%.
If you want to change to Shy fast, it's a good idea to relog after you have achieved a desired affinity change.
NOTE: If you reach 100% affinity while you are in Shy personality, Sociable/Shy (y axis) personalities won't change.
When turned Impulsive(+)
- Reacts to even minor damage was done to or was dealt by the summoner with an attack.
- Unlike Sensible pets, even when mp for attacking has been built up, they will prefer song emoticons (wastes MP) to attacks
- Starts cheering only after major damage was done to or dealt by the summoner.
To turn Impulsive(+): Don't feed elite or higher equips, seeds, fruits or QPL jellies. Feed rare or normal equipments.
When turned Sensible(-)
- Attacks when major damage was done to or was dealt by the summoner
- Unlike Impulsive pets, they use fewer song emoticons and will activate attacks quickly.
- Starts cheering faster, and when minor damage was done to or dealt by the summoner.
To turn Sensible(-) : Unlike Impulsive, feed equipments higher than rare, QPL jellies, seeds and fruits. (Equipments and QPL jellies only count for pets with 70% affinity or below. After that you have to feed Seeds and Fruits only.)
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