
Skill Note Description Image How to Obtain
Skill: Void Breaker
Skill Note Name: Smart Space Induction (스마트 공간 유도)
Level Required: 0
Follows path, doesn't go through wall
More simple, concise, the ultimate minimalism! That is the beginning of smart thinking.

- Unknown

From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop / Complete Skill Note Quest from Camilla, the PvP woman.
Skill: Particle Shot
Skill Note Name: Gamma Particle Shot (감마 입자탄)
Level Required: 0
Range +10%, 33% Chance of piercing once
N-099971641 There are a few formulas that explain an ineffective flow of energy in attack methods by humans. Improved formulas have been suggested, but no reason to disclose, thus, sharing information is not considered.

Hm, when on earth did he note this down! Actually, there are parts that are more effective...(mumble mumble...)

-N-099971641 -Extracted from recording of code-

From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop / Complete Skill Note Quest from Toma in Bethma.
Skill: Particle Prism
Skill Note Name: Space Reverse (공간 역전)
Level Required: 5
Does not break from hits.
From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop
Skill: Energy Boom
Skill Note Name: Power Boom (파워 붐)
Level Required: 5
Can now use maximum of 2 DP counters. When using counters, skill range +50%.
From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop
File:AddSkill5.png Skill: Mind Break
Skill Note Name: Complete Mental Breakdown (완전 멘탈 붕괴)
Level Required: 10
33% chance of maximum 30% magic attack decrease, debuff duration +1 sec
Have you ever experienced your painstaking project getting demolished by a stroke of a blade? Say no will never know until you experience it for yourself.

- Wally

From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop
Skill: Phase Shift
Skill Note Name: Space Overlap (이공간 중첩)
Level Required: 15
Super Armor when swapping with dummy.
My Phase level status has changed with the collapse of Altera core. From top to bottom, that motivated me to push on.

-From Wally's memoir

From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop
Skill: Particle Accelerator
Skill Note Name: Hyper Accel (하이퍼 액셀)
Level Required: 20
Cast time -10%, repeatedly tap skill key to use more DP counters (Max 4).
From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop
Skill: Neutron Bomb
Skill Note Name: Gravitational Field (광역 중력장)
Level Required: 20
Can now use 1 DP counter to increase pulling power and range by 40%.
Black hole is created when a mass planet cannot orbit due to the weight of it. Gravity is created, but does not affect by it. Thus, a phenomenon of even light gets sucked in. Then, can black hole's energy be reinforced through concentrated energy?

- Ancient research

From monster drop (KR) / Cash Shop