Kill That Guy
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Kill Guy One
  • Kill Guy Two

Some dickhead that you gotta kill. What are you waiting for?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue

Hoffman: Wally couldn't have made it farther than the nearby Bethma Village. Besides, the village is surrounded by mountains; I think he'd find it the perfect place to lie low. I recommend that you try finding some information in the village.

Quest Completion Dialogue

Stella: Huh? Who, Wally? Do you mean the lord of Elder Castle? I've heard some pretty bad rumors about him. What happened?

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,000,000 Stardust Dragon Obelisk the Tormentor x4
ED 1,000,000 Dark Magician with Big Boobies N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Ch.14 #1: Click! Clack!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find the Wind Priestess (Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty")
  • Waldo (Barren Sander, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

The Trocks have invaded us on a large scale. This is bad! The Wind Priestess is coming to town for peace talks and we can't have her be in danger. Go to Barren Sander to investigate the situation.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Emirate: Hey!! Adventurers!! Something terrible has happened in the village. Would you please help us? What? The Trocks are invading our village! The Wind Priestess is about to arrive and we are under attack by the Trocks!!
Player: Trocks?
Emirate: Those desert monsters that live just outside of Sander! We see them near the village every now and then, but nor a full-scale attack like this before...Did the Trocks know the Wind Priestess was coming? We have to protect her at all costs.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Emirate: What?! The Wind Priestess was kidnapped by the Trocks? Why would the Trocks take the Wind Priestess? Where did they take her to?
Elsword: Well...she was snatched by a woman-like creature with wings?
Emirate: Wait a minute? A woman with wings, are you referring to a Harpy? So those Harpies and Trocks were in on this? That's very strange...I don't have a good feeling about this...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 367530 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv. 5 x15 N/A
ED 602,100 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv. 6 x2 N/A
EP 0 +0 Advanced Hamel Explorer Gloves N/A
AP 0

Free Knight 1/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve Level 15
  • Talk to Hoffman in Elder


Quest Acceptance Dialogue


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Attagirl~ I knew you'd try. Then let's carry out the examination quests.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP ??? N/A N/A
ED ??? N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Free Knight 2/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Free Knight 1/4 quest


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: The first quest from the Kingdom for the Free Knight: Take care of the evil spirits lurking in the Shadow Forest. he dark evil spirits are a pain and giving us a headache. I guess requesting S.O.S. from the kingdom didn't end up in vain. Hehe, I didn't imagine that you, Elesis, would be the one who'd help us. Go purify the Shadow Forest.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Good job! That was nicely done. Hehe, then shall we go onto the next quest?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP ??? N/A N/A
ED ??? N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Free Knight 3/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Free Knight 2/4 quest

Hoffman tells Elesis, the second quest is to drive out the thieves in Banthus Cave. Clear it on Hard or higher difficulty 2 times and complete task to get closer to becoming a Free Knight.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Here is the second quest: Arrest the thieves hiding in Banthus Cave. I have information that the infamous thief, Banthus, is hiding in nearby cave and spying on the village resources. Sigh... those bandits! Elesis, go find the gang of thieves in Banthus Cave. Good luck.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: You deserve the title of the Red Haired Knight!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,100 N/A N/A
ED 1,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Free Knight 4/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Free Knight 3/4 quest

Hoffman tells Elesis, the final quest is to arrest the hiding thieves in Underground Waterway. Clear it on Hard or higher difficulty 3 times and complete task to become a Free Knight.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: This is the final quest: Beat the bandits in the Underground Waterway. You did a good job hunting out Banthus from the cave, but now I hear that some escaped and fled into the Underground Waterway! A true warrior finishes the quest with no loose ends. Hurry and take care of this, please!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Wonderful! That was amazing and it was completed nicely! The title of Free Knight is just around the corner! Here is the seal of Free Knight. With this seal, you'll be treated as a knight in the kingdom! Elesis, you have earned your Free Knight title! Hehehe
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,000 N/A N/A
ED 2,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Dark Knight 1/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Free Knight 4/4 quest

The Lord of Elder Wally says the days of evil will only get worse. To prevent this, let's defeat his henchman Banthus and find Lenphad.
**(When you complete this quest, you cannot accept another Job quest.)

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lenphad: Wally was ordering thieves to steal the El but lately he has been doing it more aggressively! Not too long ago, he came dragging a machine and attacked the residents and even kidnapped some residents!
  • Elesis: What did you say?! Wally that fiend, I won't let him off!
  • Lenphad: For now, you should go to the Underground Waterway and handle Banthus. Banthus has been using Wally's name to do evil deeds and no one can do anything because of Wally's title.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lenphad: Great job! I feel great inside! Kwahaha!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 500 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Dark Knight 2/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Dark Knight 1/4 quest
  • Talk to Luichel in Elder


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lenphad: After you defeated Banthus, Wally started going berserk. It appears we have pointlessly aggravated a beehive...
  • Elesis: I'll go to Wally and make negotiations with him!
  • Lenphad: It's useless. The residents may no longer even be there if we go now.
  • Elesis: Then what do we do...
  • Lenphad: Ah! Luichel may have a plan! She used to be very popular back in the days. Go to Luichel and find a means of stopping Wally.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Luichel: Hmm? Well it has been awhile hasn't it-- What business do you have with me?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP ??? N/A N/A
ED ??? N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Dark Knight 3/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Dark Knight 2/4 quest


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Luichel: Hmm-- A means of stopping Wally? That's simple.
  • Elesis: How should it be done?
  • Luichel: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! If the other side wants to fight dirty, we can play the same game~
  • Elesis: That's not a method we knights resort to...
  • Luichel: If you really want to take vengeance then this is the only way! Go to Wally's Castle and destroy the beloved robot he built. That would upset him~
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Luichel: You did it? Great job!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP ??? N/A N/A
ED ??? N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Dark Knight 4/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Dark Knight 3/4 quest
  • Talk to Luichel in Elder

Wally's ambitions were crushed.
Let's talk to Luichel to complete the quest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Luichel: From this point forward, these types of situations will reoccur. And when that happens, remember what you learned from me! You cannot stop the evil with only peaceful methods! Sometimes you have to use brute force!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: That's right... To fight for justice I will do whatever it takes...! Thank you, Luichel!
  • Luichel: I like it! From now on, you will fight from the darkness and be known and feared as the 'Dark Knight'!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 6,100 File:Box 129070.png The First Job Change Promotion Cube N/A
ED 0 El Revitalization Drink N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Crimson Avenger 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Talk to Adel in Altera Village

It appears Adel is looking for Elesis. Go to Altera Village and meet up with Adel.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ariel: Here you are! Quickly go to Altera Village because Adel is looking for you! It must be very important...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adel: Elesis, you came, pong! Thank you for always helping us, pong~
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Crimson Avenger 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Crimson Avenger 1/5 quest
  • Collect 60 Nasod Scrap Metal from Nasod type monsters in any Altera dungeon.

Let's defeat Nasods in the Altera region and collect Nasod Scrap Metal for Adel.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Adel: I have another request. I'm in a hurry to make energy extractors, but I can't go out to get the materials because of the Nasods, pong! Please destroy the Nasods and bring back Nasod Scrap Metals. Pong!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adel: We won't have to worry about materials for awhile now, thank you pong!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 6,900 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Crimson Avenger 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Crimson Avenger 2/5 quest
  • Chat with Allegro in Feita.

Feita is dangerous! Go to Feita to stop the demon invasion and talk to Allegro.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Adel: An emergency message has arrived to me from Feita, pong! There is an invasion in Feita and it's on the verge of falling to the demon army, pong! You'll have to hurry and go to Feita, pong! Allegro will fill you in on the details once you're there, pong!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Allegro: W-wow... Thank you so much for coming here. However, the demons have already invaded Feita...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 7,600 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Crimson Avenger 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Crimson Avenger 3/5 quest
  • Defeat 400 Demons in any Feita dungeon.

Let's defeat the demons in Feita and return to Allegro.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Allegro: B-but... Elesis, you coming here shows us good hope and that we have a chance. For now...we can try to lower the numbers of the demon army. P...please defeat the demons in Feita.
Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 700 N/A N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


 The Ultimate Road 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve Level 60
  • Clear dungeons within your level range 5 times (Ruben and Henir excluded)

Glave, the Administrator of Time and Space, will teach you the ultimate skill if you complete his training. He demands you to prove that you can endure these trials he throws at you. Clear dungeons in your level range 5 times and prove yourself to Glave! (You can choose any dungeon 2 levels higher or lower than yours.)

Quest Acceptance Dialogue


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Glave: Keke...Good! Looking at your sturdy and grounded posture, you seem to be ready... Well then, shall we head onto the next quest?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 73,800   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 The Ultimate Road 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Ultimate Road 1/5




Quest Acceptance Dialogue


Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0