[Special Active] Strike your enemy with a paralyzing slash that will temporarily stun your opponent, followed by a charged meteor strike.


Skill Requirement
Sword Knight
65SP, Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level
Initial slash (with awaken)



1 748% (987%) Physical Damage 281% Physical Damage slash 1, meteor 8
30 Seconds
2 898% (1185%) Physical Damage 337% Physical Damage
3 1048% (1382%) Physical Damage 393% Physical Damage
4 1197% (1580%) Physical Damage 449% Physical Damage
5 (M) 1422% (1876%) Physical Damage 533% Physical Damage

Tips and Details

  • Double Slash is unlocked through the High Branch Skill Quest. The quest can be obtained at Lv32 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • The first Slash will receive a separate awakening bonus, while the meteor receives the regular 1.2x boost.
  • Best used when the opponent is under the Armor Break debuff.
  • Range is greater than what the animation shows. Hits quite a bit behind you and above you as well.
  • It is impossible to MP Break out of the first slash. Attempting to do so will make you waste 100 MP and you won't be knocked down.
    • It is also not possible to load MP while paralyzed from the first slash to perform an MP Break to evade the meteor.
  • Each meteor hit lifts the targets up, making them airbone during the meteor animation.
