[Passive] Strengthens the Soul Eruption skill


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level Alternative
Noblesse Lv. 20 50 4 Noble Presence

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Soul Eruption Strengthening Tracking Demon Spear
Damage Increase Size Increase Damage (Magical) Amount Souls Used
1 50 2% 8% 50% 1~6 0~5
2 2.75% 11% 52%
3 53 3.5% 14% 55%
4 57 4.25% 17% 57%
5 61 5% 20% 59%
6 65 5.75% 23% 61%
7 69 6.5% 26% 64%
8 73 7.25% 29% 66%
9 77 8% 32% 68%

Tips and Details

  • Up to 6 tracking spears will fire in 6 set directions automatically upon firing. They will detect enemies to home in on, but the detection range is fairly small.
  • Boosts Soul Eruption's total damage with 5 souls and 6 spear hits to 2736%.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 혼령 강화 Spirit Enhance
