[Especial activa] Dejas salir un grito penetrante cuyas ondas sonicas reaccionan con los estados negativos: ellos sufren de una explosión por estado y tienen el estado 'Dolor'.


Clase Maestro Nivel requerido Costo de PH por nivel Alternativa Requerimiento de la habilidad
Guardián de la furia Nv. 20 40 3 Loca furia artillera Misión de la habilidad nv. 40


Nivel de la habilidad Nivel requerido Grito (Físico) Explosión(es) (Magico) # de explosiones Costo de PM Enfriamiento
1 40 3569% 1073% 1 explosión
(por Estado negativo)
300 de PM 21 Segundos
2 3685% 1108%
3 41 3801% 1143%
4 44 3917% 1178%
5 47 4033% 1212%
6 50 4149% 1247%
7 53 4265% 1282%
8 56 4381% 1317%
9 59 4497% 1352%
10 62 4613% 1387%
11 65 4729% 1422%
12 68 4845% 1457%
13 71 4961% 1491%



Comienza gritando por 3 segundos con tus ojos hacia adelante! Eso es todo lo que tienes?! Comienza a gritar por 5 segundos otra vez! -Instructor de los caballeros mercenarios rojos


¡Quiero oír un grito de guerra como corresponde! ¿No sabes gritar más fuerte? ¡Otra vez! ¡Y más largo! -Instructor de los caballeros mercenarios rojos

Nombre: Grita, grita / (향상된 외치기)

Descripción: Incrementado el rango en 20%

Tips and Details

  • There is no limit to how many explosions will occur.
  • Good for a party where the members have different elemental attacks.
  • Each Bomb take about 3 seconds to explode.
  • After roaring, Chung would be exhausted for about 2 seconds.
    • Although he may seem vulnerable, he is actually invincible during this time.


  • Although the skill is called "Pain of Caladbolg", the ingame dub was changed to Calabolg Pain.
  • "Caladbolg" ("hard cleft"), sometimes written Caladcholg ("hard blade"), is the sword of Fergus mac Róich from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. It was sometimes used in plural to mean "great swords", and might also refer to Excalibur. It appears in Welsh mythology.
    • It was said to be a two-handed sword that made a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung and to have the power to slice the tops off hills and slaughter an entire host.


  • 07/28/2012 KR
    • The damage of the magical explosions were increased and they ignore the enemy's defense.
  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • Damage (Cry and Pain) increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  France Souffrance de Caladbolg Suffering of Caladbolg
  United Kingdom Caladbolg's Pain
