[Active] Eve drives stingers into the ground.


Class Master SP Requirement
Code Nemesis
75 SP

Skill Information


Skill Level Physical Dmg Magical Dmg Mp Usage Cooldown
1 140% 140% 30 6s
2 155% 155%
3 170% 170%
4 185% 185%
5 (M) 200% 200%
6 215% 215%
7 230% 230%
8 245% 245%


Skill Level Physical Dmg Magical Dmg Mp Usage Cooldown
1 30 6s
5 (M) 400% 400%

Tips and Details

  • This skill can be used while in the air.
  • You are Stoic while using this skill.
  • Lv8 Spear Burst can be achieved by combining the 4-Set bonuses of the Gliter Hunter set or Upgraded Gliter Hunter set, wearing a skill ring, and having the Wild Tracker Top Piece
  • When frozen while using the skill, the spears will descend downwards while the user is still in the air.
  • The spears descend faster than Nemesis, so if it is used while one is far above the ground (i.e in the drops in Transporting Tunnel B4-1 the spears will hit much earlier than you hit the ground.
