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Altera, a mysterious floating island situated in the middle of the entire Elrios Continent. Nobody knows why there even exists such an island, especially one that floats, in Elrios...

Funnily enough, the island of Altera is home to the Ponggo Race, a type of bipedal mole race that lives within (not on) the island itself. However, it will soon become apparent that the Island is also inhabited by the leaders of the Nasod, a secret race of extremely advanced technology.

Chapter 6: The Floating Island, Altera

  • Ch.6 #1: Wally's Destination
  • Visit Altera Village
Description: The unfolding battle on the Cargo Airship has finally come to an end and Wally No. 9 has been destroyed. As we were looking for Wally's whereabouts, we were attacked by an unidentified person and so the airship started to fall. First, let's find any form of life out here!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Stella: Airship is almost cleared and Wally's last product is destroyed too right? I think your work here in Bethma is finally done. I really really thank you. The airship Wally's on was last seen by the floating island Altera. If you go to the Altera Island, you may find more clues.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Hi there Pong… Wally eh… Not sure who that is but an airship was attacked by another suspicious airship and landed here in the island Pong… We felt the ground shake so it must've landed near here Pong.
ED: 19600
EXP: 10730

  • Ch.6 #2: [Dungeon] Battle Airship Black Crow
  • The Black Crow, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Find the leader of The Black Crow (The Black Crow, 'Any Difficulty')
  • Raven (The Black Crow, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1
Description: The Cargo Airship crashed when we were attacked by an unidentified person. Let's use Elder Ponggo Adel's routh to board Black Crow, and find the one who ambushed us!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Hm… Ponggo scouts have returned with some news Pong… They just found debris of crashes Pong. We're not sure if Wally came out alive either Pong… Anyways, the Black Crow airship has anchored here on Altera Pong. If you go to Black Crow and find the captain 'Raven', you might find more information Pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Did you meet Raven Pong?
ED: 59300
EXP: 32530
Items: Weapon Enhancement Lv.2 x 1, Magic Stone x 1

  • Ch.6 #3: [Dungeon] Invaders from the Sky
  • The Black Crow, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Black Crow's Symbol (Black Crow Sniper, The Black Crow, 'Hard or Higher') 0/10
Description: I wonder what the Black Crow and its crew are doing around Altera Island? In order to investigate, we need some answers! Let's visit Black Crow to see if we can get some clues from it.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Those Black Crow mercenaries are fierce enemies Pong… Ponggos live in fear because we have have no idea what they are up to Pong. Could you find out what they up to Pong? We believe in you Pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: That.. is what they are about Pong?
ED: 66200
EXP: 35060
Items: Weapon Enhancement Lv.2 x 1

  • Ch.6 #4: [Dungeon] Confrontation
  • The Black Crow, 'Very Hard'
  • Howlizer (The Black Crow, 'Very Hard')
  • Raven (The Black Crow, 'Very Hard'
Description: Raven was saved by the Nasods, but they brainwashed him to use as their tool. It's fortunate that deep inside, he didn't lose his humanity and was able to resist the Nasod's mind control. Raven needs to learn to not hold a grudge against all humans so let's go visit Black Crow to remove any obstacles in his way.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Just heard something new about Raven Pong. With his strong mentality, he's fighting against the Nasod within himself to keep his humanity intact. It would be nice if you can convince him Pong… For all of us here, could you give it a try Pong?
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Ouchie… he.. He is!!!
Adel: I—I'm sorry, pong! I won't lie again, pong!
Elsword / Rena / Eve: The Black Crows will never cause trouble for your tribe again.
Adel: I—is that true, pong? I was right, you're different from them, pong. You've been merciful to us, pong. Please use your power for justice from now on, pong.
Raven: I will
ED: 73600
EXP: 37770
Items: Black Crow’s Feather Ornaments x 5, Armor Enhancement Lv.3 x 1, Black Crow's Shoes

  • Ch.6 #5: [Dungeon] Nasod Tomb
  • Return Plains, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Scout (Return Plains, 'Any Difficulty')
  • Corrupt Nasod Driller (Return Plains, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1
Description: Raven has provided you with information about King Nasod who is the true mastermind of evil who has stoeln the El. Let's scout the Return Plains to find a way to access Altera Core.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Altera Core? Why do you want to go to such a dangerous place, pong? Umm... I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have to go, I'll do my best to help you, pong. Altera Island has a place called the Return Plains, where the local Nasod go to die, pong. Why don't you go there and trace the Nasods back to their origin? Please be careful since it's a very dangerous place, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Say, did you find anything there pong?
ED: 73600
EXP: 37770
Items: Magic Stone x 1, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #6: [Dungeon] Nasod Memory
  • Return Plains, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Scout Nasod's Memory Chips (Nasod Scout Type-L, Return Plains, 'Hard or Higher) 0/5
Description: Scout Nasod Type-L is made in Altera Core let's check its memory and find the location! Let's go to the Return Plains and find the Scout Nasod Memory Chip.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: A small Nasod with four legs, pong? I've never heard of anything like that before. Why don't you ask Amos? He knows a lot of things, being an alchemist.
Amos: Those Nasods are not junk, they're there to scout the land, pong. They're programmed to memorize what they see, pong. When you analyze the memory of the Scout Nasods, you may be able to trace them back to their origin, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: You've brought it, pong! Give me a moment, pong.
ED: 73600
EXP: 37770
Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #7: [Dungeon] Premonition
  • Return Plains, 'Very Hard'
  • Contaminated Spore Specimen (Corrupt Nasod Driller, Return Plains, 'Very Hard') 0/1
Description: You discovered an underground tunnel where you came across Corrupt Nasod Drillers. Amos has noticed suspicious spores on your and asked to investigate them. Let's go to the Return Plains and bring back some more Contaminated Spore Specimen form the Corrupt Nasod Drillers!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: What's that stain on your clothes, pong? They look like spores-- poisonous ones, pong!
Elsword: I think I got them on my clothes fighting a Nasod with a giant drill. What's wrong?
Amos: Was that Nasod covered with these spores, pong? Umm... This isn't good, pong... Could you bring more of those spores, pong? I want to analyze them, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: Ugh... Yes, these are also poisonous like the ones on your clothes, pong. Thank you. I'll analyze them thoroughly, pong.
ED: 81800
EXP: 40730
Items: Black Crow Feather Ornaments x 5, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1, Black Crow Gloves

  • Ch.6 #8: [Dungeon] Transporting Tunnel B4-1
  • Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Check Contamination (Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Any Difficulty')
Description: The Ponggos' Transporting Tunnel B4-1 is now occupied and used by the Nasods. After analyzing the spores, Amoes said that they might have come from the tunnel and that it could spread across the entire island. Let's go to the Transporting Tunnel B4-1 to investigate inside the tunnel!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: Tunnel B4-1 was a nightmare, pong. WE were expanding the tunnel to transport minerals, and then the wall collapsed as an army of Nasods came out of it. We didn't have any choice but to give the tunnel up, pong.
Agatha: He's right! I spent at least thirty thousand pickaxes to make that tunnel, pong! It makes me angry, every time I think about the tunnel. Lousy Nasods!
Amos: Agatha, calm down, pong. Anyway, I'm in the middle of analyzing your spores, but something doesn't feel right about them. Please check the tunnel. If these spores are also in the tunnel, this island might be in danger, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Agatha: Agh! You're completely covered with spores! Go, go away, pong!
Amos: My instinct is never wrong, pong...
ED: 81800
EXP: 40730
Items: Magic Stone x 1, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #9: [Dungeon] Contaminated Alterasia
  • Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Steam Controller (Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
  • Alterasia (Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Hard or Higher') 0/3
  • Alterasia Spore (Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Hard or Higher') 0/3
Description: Amos conducted a test and indentified the unknown spores as Alterasia Spores. The contaminated spores can spread throughout all of Altera from the Transporting Tunnel B4-1. Let's go to Transporting Tunnel B4-1 to eliminate the Alterasia.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: T-this is serious, pong! Those spores are from Alterasia and they're been mutated, pong! Their mutation started inside the tunnel, and the Nasods brought the mutated spores with them when they emerged from the ground, pong. The poisonous spores of Alterasia will soon spread all over Altera, pong!
Adel: Amos, are you serious, pong? Isn't there a way to stop it?
Amos: The spores are from Alterasia Flowers. We may have a chance if we cut down those flowers, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: Good job, pong. Even so, Alterasia's fertility is beyond your imagination. This is just a temporary measure, so you should pass through the tunnel as quickly as possible!
ED: 81800
EXP: 40730
Items: Magic Stone x 1, Armor Enhancement Stone x 1

  • Ch.6 #10: [Dungeon] Beyond the Alterasia Port
  • Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Very Hard'
  • Purify Parasitic Alterasia Turret (Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 'Very Hard') 0/1
Description: The Nasods have built a giant turret at the end of the Transporting Tunnel B4-1 to block the Ponggos. The entire area is being infected by Alterasia that produced the contamined spores
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: At the end of the tunnel is the fortress of the Nasods, pong. The fortress was so formidable that we had to retreat without even trying to reclaim our tunnel.
Adel: Many Ponggos were sacrificed in the battle...
Amos: Now the fortress is causing another disaster for us, pong. Based on what yousaw, the Alterasia in the fortress are probably teh main cause of the contamination, pong. Destroy the parasitic flowers along with the fortress, pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: The Alterasia is gone, but we should keep watchin case anotehr Alterasia mutates, pong.
Adel: Beyond the tunnel is the other side of Altera, where broad plains spread, pong. The plains are tightly guarded by powerful Nasods, since they lead to the entrance of the Core. You will need to fight these Nasods to access the Core, pong.
ED: 90700
EXP: 44030
Items: Magic Stone, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #11: [Dungeon] The Shadow of Altera
  • Altera Plains, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Nasod Scorpion (Altera Plains, 'Any Difficulty') 0/12
  • Nasod Gardener Type-F (Altera Plains, 'Any Difficulty) 0/12
  • Clear Altera Plains (Altera Plains, 'Any Difficulty')
Description: Half of Altera is composed of the Altera Plains, an area now occupied by the Nasods. You must pass through the plain to access the Altera Core. Let's defeat the Nasods on Altera Plains and secure an advance route.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: The Altera Plains is the only path to the Core, pong. Unfortunately it's completely occupied by Nasods.
Agatha: It's an extemely dangerous place ot explore, pong. Even I could hardly survive there, and I"m the only survivor from our village.
Adel: The plains are infested by powerful Nasods, since that area straight to the Nasods' stronghold. You should try to cut their numbers down first, before trying to break through the plains, pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Are there that many Nasods, pong? Wow, that sounds more dangerous than it used to be, pong. Maybe the Nasods are evolving somehow, pong.
ED: 90700
EXP: 44030
Items: Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #12: [Dungeon] The Fire and Water Nasods
  • Altera Plains, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Fire Nasod: Ignis (Altera Plains, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
  • Water Nasod: Leviathan (Altera Plains, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
  • Remove the threat of Altera Plains (Altera Plains, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
Description: Ignis and Leviathan are elemental Nasods on Altera Plains. These notorious twins are difficult to defeat because they always move together and are armed with invincible shields that no attack can penetrate. Let's go to Altera Plains and destroy them by finding their weakness!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Wait, did you say they're employing the power of water and fire?! Do they look like twins?! Are they still on the Altera Plains, pong?!
Amos: P--please take it easy, Chief. What's wrong?
Adel: Ah-- I know them! There's nothing that can get past those Nasods! Thousands of Ponggos were sacrificed, trying to get rid of those two, pong... I beg of you, pong! Please find a way to defeat Ignis and Leviathan! I know you can accomplish what we couldn't!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: The Barrier Machine, pong? I see... I didn't know the Nasods had such a powerful weapon... Thank you, pong! Finally, we have warriors fighting for us that are strong enough to beat the Nasods! Pohoho!
ED: 90700
EXP: 44030
Items: Weapon Enhancement Lv.3 x 1, Armor Enhancement Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.6 #13: [Dungeon] Disruptive Electifying Tong
  • Altera Plains, 'Very Hard'
  • Destroy Electrifying Tong (Altera Plains, 'Very Hard') 0/10
Description: The Electrifying Tong abruptly spurts out energy from the ground and has hurt a lot of Ponggos. Let's go destroy some Electrifying Tong so that the Ponggos can travel safely in and out of Altera Plains!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Agatha: Do you know what Electrifying Tong is Pong? It's all over Altera Plains Pong... So many Ponggos got hurt by those things Pong! It's most imperative to get rid of them, pong. Show us your power pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Agatha: So no more Electrifying Tongs Pong? Can we really believe that Pong?
ED: 100200
EXP: 47590
Items: Advanced Potion x 5

Chapter 7: Total War!

  • Ch.7 #1: [Dungeon] Nasod Cradle
  • Nasod Foundry, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Find the entrance to Altera Core (Nasod Foundry, 'Any Difficulty')
  • Crow Rider (Nasod Foundry, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: The Nasods are manufactured in a tube-like base that wraps around the bottom of Altera, pong.
Amos: the security of that base is so tight that no Ponggo has ever made it inside.
Adel: In other words, we have no information about the base, pong. There's a path somewhere on the Altera Plains that leads to the base, pong. Do you think you can infiltrate the base?
Quest cleared dialogue:
Adel: Welcome back, pong! Say, what does the base look like?
ED: 100200
EXP: 47590
Items: Magic Stone x 1

  • Ch.7 #2: [Dungeon] Destroying the Production Line
  • Nasod Foundry, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Nasod Production Machine (Nasod Foundry, 'Hard or Higher') 0/4
Description: Nasod machines keep creating new Nasods. Let's destroy the machines to prevent future problems and reduce the Nasods' strength. Let's go to Nasod Foundry and destroy the Nasod Production Machines!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: Hmm... You saw an endless line of combat Nasods coming out of the production line, huh? That sounds worese than I thought, pong. I was ready to rish my life if it was for the sake of my studies, but what you said aobut the base has completely discouraged me, pong. But thank you for bringign me so much useful information, pong. please go back to the factory and destroy as many Nasod Producers as possible. That'll be more effective than killing a couple of Nasods at a time, pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: I can imagine how angry the Nasods must be, pong! Good job getting rid of their new soldiers. It's only a matter o time before they start weakening, pong!
ED: 100200
EXP: 47590
Items: Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.7 #3: [Dungeon] King Creek's Goal
  • Nasod Foundry, 'Very Hard'
  • Nasod Scorpion King (Nasod Foundry, 'Very Hard') 0/1
Description: Deep inside Nasod Foundry there is a Nasod Scorpion King who has been a big problem for Ponggos. Let's defeat the Scorpion King from the Nasod Foundry.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Aida: Deep within the Nasod Foundry lies a Nasod monster that all Ponggos fear Pong... King Nasod Scorpion Pong. We can't do anything against it Pong. Our shields are useless against King Nasod Scorpion's attacks Pong. Go find that Scorpion King and destory it pong! For the sake of justice and love of Pongomanity Pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Aida: I knew it Pong-! you are the best Po-ng!
ED: 110600
EXP: 51360
Items: Intermediate Mana Potion x 10

  • Ch.7 #4: [Dungeon] The Shadow of Altera
  • Altera Core, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Monarch of the Nasods (Altera Core, 'Any Difficulty')
  • King Nasod (Altera Core, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1
Description: You finally entered King Nasod's Altera Core that is tightly guarded by an army of Nasods. Let's destroy all of the Nasods in our way and finally defeat King Nasod!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: Yes. Finally loctated Altera Core Pong. Enough talking Pong! Go finish this once and for all Pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: You couldn't finish it Pong? What are you talking about Pong? You felt the power of El from it Pong?
ED: 110600
EXP: 51630
Items: Magic Stone x 1

  • Ch.7 #5: [Dungeon] Destroying El Energy Extractor
  • Altera Core, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Destroy El Energy Extractor (Attack) (Altera Core, 'Any Difficulty') 0/5
  • Destroy El Energy Extractor (Defense) (Altera Core, 'Any Difficulty') 0/5
Description: Altera Core is equipped with machines to extract the energy of El that has been collected from the entire continent. One of them is machine that converts the of El to enhance the Nasods. Let's go to Altera Core and remove the El Energy Extractor.
Quest accepted dialogue:
Amos: The Altera Core must be powered by El, pong.
Adel: Hmm... I guess you're right, pong. Otherwise, why would they be so desperate to collect El?
Amos: That's right, pong. According to our records, the Nasods are also powered by El, pong. Maybe low-level Nasods are using something elseas their power source, but all the special Nasods are moving with the power of El, pong. Those El Energy Extractors in the Altera Core extract the power of El and use it to reinforce themselves, pong. Please destroy the extractors before they completely drain the El, pong!
Quest cleared dialogue:
Amos: Good job, pong! El isn't supposed to be used as fuel for those wicked machines, pong. I have no sympathy for the Nasods, pong!
ED: 110600
EXP: 51360
Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.3 x 1

  • Ch.7 #6: [Dungeon] Turning Everything Back to Normal
  • Altera Core, 'Very Hard'
  • Find Irradiant El (Altera Core, 'Very Hard')
  • Irradiant El (King Nasod, Altera Core, 'Very Hard') 0/1
  • Chat with Hagus in Ruben Village
Description: King Nasod is carry a giant El that is suspected to be from Ruben Village. Let's defeat King Nasod and try to return the El back to Ruben Village! Let's go back to Altera Core and find the El!
Quest accepted dialogue:
Adel: Did you see the enormous El from King Nasod Pong? That might be what you've been looking for Pong.
Amos: You can get back the El if you defeat King Nasod Pong. Good luck Pong!
Agatha: I've been watching you Pong. I'm sure you can take down King Nasod Pong!
Adel: Pohohong- You're even more famous now Pong. Good luck Pong.
Quest cleared dialogue:
Hagus: Oh, you've brought back our El! Thank you. Thank you so much!
Lowe: That is impressive for a newbie adventurer! You aren't a novice anymore. Good job. You are a hero that saved Ruben village!
Ann: Thank you so much for your trouble, everyone! This El will bring the light back to the El Tree and calm the forest animals. Thank you!
Hagus: Ha ha ha, thank you so much! You've restored our precious El Tree and forest. This is, however, not the end of your quest. A series of ominous phenomena is being reported from everywhere on the continent. Please use your power for the sake of peace in this world! May God bless you on your journey! Oh, and Sheriff Stella from Bethma is here to see you too.
ED: 121800
EXP: 55480
Items: Advanced Magic Stone x 10

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