File:STSactive3.png [Special Active] Raven slash his sword with a forceful aura to send a sonic shockwave downward at a 135-degree angle that travels in that direction until it goes off the screen.


SP Requirement
Skill Requirement
Sword Taker
60 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Damage (Total) Max Hits Mp Usage Cooldown
1 108% 2160% 20 200 MP 10 Seconds
2 129% 2580%
3 151% 3020%
4 172% 3440%
5 (M) 205% 4100%
6 237% 4740%
7 270% 5400%


Skill Level Damage (Magical) Damage (Total) Max Hits Mp Usage Cooldown
1 20 200 MP 10 Seconds
5 (M) 281% 5620%

Tips and Details

  • Shockwave is unlocked through the Intermediate Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv30 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • This skill can be used on the ground and in the air.
  • It should be noted that there are two shockwaves, the first being semi-transparent that does no damage.
    • This could be an error in graphic programming.
    • However the graphic has been fixed, the Shockwave is now followed by two after-images.
  • Shockwave is best used when the enemy is in Stoic, otherwise the opponent will bounce, making some hits miss.
    • The user should also be positioned a bit away and a bit off the ground to get the most hits in.
