File:Generate Blackhole.PNG [Special Active] Eve generates a black hole to pull enemies in, then trigger it to explode dealing extreme magic damage.


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement
30 SP
Illusion Stinger

Skill Information


Skill Level Magical Damage
In Awakening
Mp Usage Cooldown
Initial Hits Magical Damage
Magical Damage Hits
1 1183% 55% 22 378% 300 30s
2 1420% 66% 454%
3 1656% 76% 529%
4 1893% 87% 605%
5(M) 2248% 104% 718%


Skill Level Magical Damage
In Awakening
Mp Usage Cooldown
Initial Hits Magical Damage
Magical Damage Hits
1 1531% 94% 22 376% 300 30s
5(M) 2909% 179% 715%

Skill Note

Name: Black Hole Ver.4.0(NA) / Ver.4.0(KR)

Description: Increases suction range of the black hole by 30% and increases the damage by 10%.

Tips and Details

  • When used to gather mobs for teammates, Generate Blackhole should ideally be used in non-awakening mode as so not to super armor any of the mobs that are gathered by the skill, potentially countering one of your teammates at the beginning of their skill.
    • In Awakening Mode, the black hole continuously hits opponents that have been sucked in, before exploding.
  • Useful in situations similar Wind Ward, except stronger and has more range with the skill note.
