[Special Active] Chung loads his cannon, and fires a super fast cannonball that pierces through all targets in a linear fashion.


SP Requirement
Shooting Guardian

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage Max hit MP Usage Cool Down
Initial Hit Explosion
1 746% Magical Damage 359% Magical Damage 2 Hits 200 MP 10 Seconds
2 859% Magical Damage 431% Magical Damage
3 1044% Magical Damage 503% Magical Damage
4 1193% Magical Damage 575% Magical Damage
5 (M) 1417% Magical Damage 683% Magical Damage


Skill Level Damage Max hit MP Usage Cool Down
Initial Hit Explosion
1 2 Hits 175 MP 10 Seconds
5 (M) 1185% Magical Damage 1173% Magical Damage

Skill Note

Name: 자동감응탄

Description: The Shell Speed decreased by 33%. Targets will be Launched upwards.

Tips and Details

  • Heavy Railgun requires and consumes 1 round of ammo (re-balance patch changed ammo consumption from 3 to 1).
  • Chung will fire one cannonball which crosses the screen (approximately 800-1000 range at most) and pierces all enemies in its path.
    • Any enemies that survive the initial hit will be hit by a secondary hit from the trajectory of the initial shot, dealing less damage and launching targets into the air. The secondary explosions can hit any target within range, so this skill is the most effective when groups are huddled close together.
  • The shot does NOT travel across the entire map.
  • Using Heavy Railgun at point blank range will result in either a single hit or no hits at all if the target is same size or smaller than Chung.
  • Heavy Railgun will move Chung backwards 100 range.
  • Recently nerfed in the 07/28/11 character re-balance patch to do ~250% less damage than before, and the secondary hit has a decreased aoe radius (smaller than Fury Guardian's Steel Edge without the note).
