
Bild Name Typ Stats Beschreibung
Hamel Navy Officer Hair Avatar Hair

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense + 20

Critical +1%

Resistance to Water Element +20

04/03/2014 ~ 06/27/2014 KR



Set Equipment Stats:

3 Pieces:

HP Increase +10%

Resistance to all Element +40

4 Pieces:

MP Recovery Attacked +5%

5 Pieces:

Critical +5%

Hamel Navy Officer Hat
Avatar Hair

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense + 20

Critical +1%

Resistance to Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Shirt
Avatar Shirt

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

Action Speed +1%

Resistance to Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Pants
Avatar Pants

Physical Attack +25

Magical Attack +25

Action Speed +1%

Resistance to Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Gloves
Avatar Gloves

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Critical +1%

Resistance to Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Shoes
Avatar Shoes

Physical Defense +15

Magical Defense +15

Action Speed +1%

Movement Speed +3%

Jump Speed +3%

Resistance to Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Weapon
Avatar Weapon

Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50

Critical +2%

MP Recovery Attacking +1.5%

Resistance to Water Element +50

04/03/2014 ~ 06/26/2014 KR

Set Equipment Stats:

2 Pieces:

Awakening Duration +10.5%

HP Increase +5%

Resistance to All Attributes +20

3 Pieces:

Action Speed +2%

Hamel Navy Officer Cape
Back Accessory

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

Movement Speed +3%

Jump Speed +3%

Awakening Charge +1%

Awakening Duration +1.5%

Resistance to all Water Element +20

Hamel Navy Officer Glass
Eye Accessory

Critical +1.5%

Action Speed +1.5%

Hamel Navy Officer Ceremonial Sword
Bottom Back Accessory

Physical Attack +25

Magical Attack +25

Physical Defense +15

Magical Defense +15

Critical +1%

MP Recovery Attacking +2%