File:Low Kick.PNG [Active] Perform a kick aimed at the opponent's leg with a chance of disabling their ability to run.
NF Consumption Skill
  • Uses 1 NF on hit


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level Alternative
Combat Ranger Lv. 20 30 3 Middle Kick

Skill Information

Skill Level Required Level Damage (Physical) Debuff Duration Success Rate MP Usage Cooldown
1 30 467% 10 Seconds 70% 25 MP 5 seconds
2 482%
3 31 497%
4 34 513%
5 37 528%
6 40 543%
7 43 558%
8 46 573%
9 49 588%
10 52 604%
11 55 619%
12 58 634%
13 61 649%
14 64 664%
15 67 679%
16 70 695%
17 73 710%
18 76 725%
19 79 740%
20 (M) 82 755%
21 -* 771%

Other Information

PvP Damage Modifier MP per hit Invincibility Interval
0.375 0 MP ?? ?? Seconds

Skill Note

Name: Thoughts on Pain I / (고통에 대한 고찰 I)

Description: Wind blast becomes sharper and causes bleeding.

Tips and Details

  • Enemies under the effect of this debuff are marked with small dark spheres on their head or torso.
  • Extremely useful for PvP, but generally dropped in favor of Middle Kick for PvE. The attack speed drop Middle Kick provides is also a useful asset in PvP, so in the end it comes down to preference.
    • In PvE this skill's main use is to slow down strong\fast mobs and bosses.
  • Low Kick is affected by Combat Ranger's passive Swift Kicks.


Range Before / After
  • 06/27/2013 KR
    • Debuff changed. Attack speed -> Leg Wound
  • 07/04/2013 KR
    • Low Kick`s skill note -> Middle Kick`s skill note
    • Range Buffed
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Damage increased.
    • Debuff duration increased.
    • Debuff duration fixed to certain amount and does not change on level up.
    • MP usage decreased by 5.
    • PvP damage adjusted by MP consumption decrease amount.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  France Low Kick
