


  • 通关贝斯马所有副本的困难难度。
  • 等级达到60级。
  • 进入需要鲁托的出入证  
    • 普通难度需要1张,地狱难度需要2张。
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怪物图片 怪物介绍 攻击方式
  高级监督官 - Similar to the Saurus Guardians in Bethma Lake (Night), except that its armor has more intricate patterns and it now wears a helmet. It also super armors itself frequently when attacking and possesses a stoic threshold. It will usually drop its super armor before attacking unlike the normal version.
  暗影蜥蜴人萨满 - Similar to the Shaman Lizardmen seen in the Bethma Region, except that it can summon High Magician's Magic Missile in a row, and super armor itself while healing on Hell Mode.
  蜥蜴人狂战士 - Similar to the Lizardman Warriors in Dragon Road, except that it can use a spinning whirlwind attack whenever it reaches its stoic threshold on Hell Mode.
  暗影蜥蜴人士兵 - Similar to the Shadow Lizardmen, in Bethma Lake (Night), except that it can now throw spears (while in super armor) and wears a helmet.
  烈火科莫多 - Similar to the Fire Komodos seen in the Bethma Region, except that it breathes fire faster and more often. It also super armors itself before & during it breathes fire and when struck. Also, whenever attacked they will gain super armor for the duration of their stun animation, unlike Crossbowmen Soldier in 2-X it only gain super armor when hit from behind.
  白骨卡戈尔 - Flying gargoyle skeletons that attack in a similar manner to Wyverns.


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怪物图片 精英介绍 攻击方式
  被控制的蜥蜴人沙鲁斯: This mob's attack is virtually similar to regular mobs but its stoic lasts longer.

-Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.

  被控制的蜥蜴人战斗酋长: This mob's attack is virtually similar to when it appears as a field boss in Bethma.

-Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.

  暗影贝罗克: This mob's attack is virtually similar when he appears as a miniboss in 3-4.

-Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits.

  被控制的蜥蜴人战士: This mob's attack is virtually similar to Lizardman Warrior.

-Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.

  暗影蜥蜴人杀戮者: This mob's attack is virtually similar to when it appears as a boss in 3-3.

-Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits. }}

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障碍图片 障碍介绍
  图腾 - An inert Totem that stands still. But don't get too close to it or else fire will come out of its mouth straight at you!
  火山口 - A hole that spits fire at intervals and can cause burning damage. They are triggered by proximity
  Large Boulder - A giant boulder that is pushed down hills ahead of the smaller boulders, flattens players for a long period of time and does extremely high damage.
  • It's still possible to avoid triggering the boulder. See Video. Currently only Aisha which could Levitation and the Yama Raja can use this trick.
  Small Boulder - A small boulder that rolls down hills knocking down players and dealing minor damage.
  • You can generally tell how close they are by listening to the rumbling sounds of their movement.


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怪物图片 Boss介绍 攻击方式
  暗影通灵者卡亚克 - The boss from Dragon's Nest is back. His moves are exactly the same except he immediately summons a clone to aid in battle.

-Summon: Kayak will immediately summon a clone to aid in battle.
-Whack: Whacks you with his staff.
-Chain Fireball: Kayak puts his arm in front of himself and fires three fireballs.
-Magic Missile: Like Berauk, Kayak can also summon a weakened version of Magic Missile that follows you.
-Bonfire: Kayak will raise one of his hands and summon two fiery pillars that enables him for more space. If you touch one, you'll get burned, so watch out!
-Multiple Geyser: Kayak is capable of using an enhanced version of Elsword's Triple Geyser skill. Raising his staff, Kayak will summon four Geysers all around him, doing very heavy damage to all those near him.

  暗影通灵者卡亚克(召唤) - Identical to the boss in many ways, even the name is exactly the same. It has same abilities as the boss, the main difference being the clone has roughly half as much HP and is slightly darker in appearance. The clone will die automatically if its original is killed.

-Whack: Whacks you with his staff.
-Chain Fireball: Kayak puts his arm in front of himself and fires three fireballs.
-Magic Missile: Like Berauk, Kayak can also summon a weakened version of Magic Missile that follows you.
-Bonfire: Kayak will raise one of his hands and summon two fiery pillars that enables him for more space. If you touch one, you'll get burned, so watch out!
-Multiple Geyser: Kayak is capable of using an enhanced version of Elsword's Triple Geyser skill. Raising his staff, Kayak will summon four Geysers all around him, doing very heavy damage to all those near him.

  远古巨龙 - At the end of the sub-boss battle, Kayak the Shadow Shaman, summons the Ancient Bone Dragon which will breathe flame at the center of the stage immediately after it's summoned. (Though this is a cutscene, the flame can still injure you substantially.) The Ancient Bone Dragon then flies to the right of the screen and the fight starts.

-Impaling Bone Spears: The dragon steps up with its front leg onto the platform, which will propel you upwards, then fires a few bones at you dealing high damage.
-Head-whack: The dragon steps back, then swings its head to the right, dealing moderate damage while propelling you upwards.
-Dragon Fire: The dragon breathes smoke momentarily, then steps up with its front leg onto the platform, which will propel you upwards, then breathes a long stretch of fire, continuously juggling you. This deals extremely high combo damage and the burning ailment will further intensify it. It will often use this move after a successful Head-whack.
-Aerial Dragon Fire: The dragon will usually try to use this skill right at the start of the fight. It flies up and over to the other end of the cave and then back while breathing fire on the ground, on Hell or Luto Mode it will not only do this twice but the delay between breaths will be less after each pass. If you get caught by the fire breath, you will be stun-locked due to the rapid hits. There is roughly a 30 second cool-down period after this skill where it will not be able to activate this skill again, it will also tend to not use this skill as often when being actively attacked.
-Fire Rain: The dragon fires a bolt of fire up into the air, and flames rain onto the middle battleground.
-Overheat: When you reduce the Ancient Bone Dragon's health to about 1/4, the dragon will start smoking. While it is in this state, you will receive damage, Burned status, and MP gain will be reduced to zero on each hit made on it, even with ranged attacks such as arrows, fireballs and electron balls (Special Actives are an exception). This effect can kill you if your HP is low enough.

  • Since you receive damage, you can trigger an effect that normally activates when attacked.
  • You will still gain 3 MP for each hit made on the dragon because of the damage taken from attacking it, this allows you to gain MP from attacks that do not normally generate MP as well.


图标 名称 属性 套装属性
德拉格尼 - 根源肩翼 Lv. 65 饰品(手臂):

暴击 +1%


暴击 +3%


物理攻击力 +1%
魔法攻击力 +1%
物理防御力 +1%
魔法防御力 +1%




德拉格尼 - 根源上衣 Lv. 65 上衣:

HP增加 +2.5%

德拉格尼 - 根源下衣 Lv. 65 下衣:

HP增加 +2.5%

德拉格尼 - 根源手套 Lv. 65 手套:

动作速度 +1%

德拉格尼 - 根源鞋子 Lv. 65 鞋子:

移动力 +3%
跳跃力 +3%

德拉格尼 - 根源武器 Lv. 65 武器:

动作速度 +3%
暴击 +3%











Lord Knight Gameplay by 'Speed Well'

Grand Master Gameplay by 'Je Hae Gwon'

Blazing Heart Gameplay by 'Je Hae Gwon'

Mastermind Gameplay by 'lAmazonl'


  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他