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Bugs, Glitches, Etc.

  • [DD/MM/YY]
  • [08/04/15] Permanent fusion mode still exists. It is almost impossible to cause this by force.
  • [08/04/15] Taser Pilum's base uncharged damage is 15% more than stated. Multiply the base value by 1.15. [PvE Tested]

El Crystal Spectrum Effects

IGN Class Level Guild Status Title
StepInfinity File:CBSNEW.png 70 rA Main  
HopStepSpin File:CMNEW.png 70 ? Alternate ?
StepInfinite File:CNNEW.png 61 ? Alternate File:Title 220 English
Mode Non-Penetrating Projectile Size/Damage Modifer Penetrating Projectile Size/Damage Modifier Hit Count Modifier (Penetrating) Total Damage
Amplify 1.2 1.2 1 (1) 1.2
Spectrum 0.45 0.45 3 (3) 1.35
Induction 0.55 1.1 2 (1) 1.1
Fusion 0.25 0.5 6 (3) 1.5

Queen's Core MP Regeneration Rate

  • After more testing.
  • NOTE: I am assuming that it takes 7 hits to reach next core level. I know this is not true since I sometimes get 8 hits to next core level. This means that the hits to next level from Z/X attacks is a decimal (7~8). This may have something to do with damage percentage but I do not know yet.
  • Active skills will contribute to generating the new core even after it procs the core.
  • If that contribution to the new core exceeds the hits to next core level, the new core will not receive any contribution.
    • Ex. If core is level 1 and has 5 hits into it and an active makes it reach 7 (meaning core level 2), the new core will start with no contribution to level 1 core.
  • Core Level
    • 1: 30MP; 40MP if you use the starting core on awakening because it is level 1 core plus 2 hits are counted towards the next level core.
    • 2: 60MP
    • 3: 90MP; 100MP if you max the charge. To max charge you need to hit 1~2 times upon reaching core level 3.
  • Each attack from Z/X is approximately 4.5MP. Not sure about exact value.
  • I came to the conclusion that the MP gain is linear and Elwiki is partially incorrect since it didn't account for these mechanics.
  • While the core is attacking, all attacks will still contribute to the new level 1 core. The only catch is that if you have enough to generate a level 1 core but the core is still attacking and it cannot spawn, all contribution towards level 1 core is lost.

Queen's Core HP Regeneration Rate

  • 5%<MaxHPHeal<5.1%
    • Exact value is difficult to determine.
    • Method: Using the percentage of Eve's Mana Conversion skill at level 2 with 12.5% HP loss per conversion to determine values.

User: Evan0225

  • For MP gain per hit in skills, it seems that some skills have a base MP gain on the first target hit plus diminished MP gain for any extra targets hit if they are very close in proximity together. I am currently experimenting on this.
    • I think it may be attacks that have splash vs. attacks that have a set number hits.