[Passive] This Passive gives a small chance for combo attacks (Per Combo count, not Hit) to sap MP from the victim; attacking with combos or Special Actives will give an attack buff that last for 5 seconds every 5 combo hits, the buff can stack up to 5 times and the duration resets each time it stacks.


Skill Requirement
Skill Requirement For
Sheath Knight
Mind of the Fighter

Skill Information

Skill Level MP Sap Attack Buff Duration
Chance MP Per Stack Max Stack
1 3% -22MP 0.5% 2.5% Each Buff last 5s
2 3% -24MP 1% 5%
3 4% -26MP 1.5% 7.5%
4 4% -28MP 2% 10%
5 (M) 5% -30MP 2.5% 12.5%


  • The buff will circle your character when active in the form of a yellow sword inside a circle, the level of the buff can be recognized based on its size, detail and opacity.
