[Passive] | Increase your Physical Attack power based on the amount of your Magical Attack power. Increase your Magical Attack power based on the amount of your Physical Attack power. (KR ONLY) |
Master | Requirement For | ||
Magic Knight | Lv.5 | 60 SP | Magic Chain |
Over Taker | 55 SP | Burning Nasod Hand | |
Code Exotic | 55 SP | Power Adrenaline |
Skill Information
Skill Level | P.ATK increased from M.ATK |
1 | 1% |
2 | 2% |
3 | 3% |
4 | 4% |
5 (M) | 5% |
Skill Level | M.ATK increased from P.ATK |
1 | 1% |
2 | 2% |
3 | 3% |
4 | 4% |
5 (M) | 5% |
- 2/13/2013 KR
- Magical attack power now benefits from total physical attack power.