[Passive] Mind of the Fighter gives Elsword an enhanced critical rate for a set amount of subsequent attacks whenever he inflicts 'mana burn' on an opponent (-30 MP via Cruel Slayer).


SP Requirement
Skill Requirement
Skill Quest Requirement
Infinity Sword
Cruel Slayer
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Critical Rate Buff MP Consumption Reduced # of Hits Affected by Critical Rate Buff
1 20% 2% Per Buff Stack(Max 10%) 1 Hit
2 40% 3% Per Buff Stack(Max 15%)
3 60% 4% Per Buff Stack(Max 20%)
4 80% 5% Per Buff Stack(Max 25%)
5 (M) 100% 6% Per Buff Stack(Max 30%) 2 Hits

Tips and Details

  • Mind of the Fighter is unlocked through the Advanced Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv40 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • Whenever the mana burn status is inflicted, MP cost for the next normal active (i.e., Mirage Sting or Harsh Chaser) used decreases by 6%
    • Can be stacked 5 times for a total of 30% MP cost reduction when [Mind of the Fighter]] is mastered.
