[Special Active] Chung sets the Destroyer on the ground and selects an area around the map using the cross-hair to be bombarded with missiles.


SP Requirement
Deadly Chaser

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cool Down
1 219% 11 Seconds 30 200 MP 15 Seconds
2 263%
3 307%
4 351% Per Missile
5 (M) 417% Per Missile
6 483% Per Missile


Skill Level Damage Number of Missiles Max Hits MP Usage Cool Down
1 326% Per Missile 15 Missiles 30 175 MP 15 Seconds
2 391% Per Missile
3 456% Per Missile
4 521% Per Missile
5 (M) 619% Per Missile
  • Only gives 10 seconds to fire.
  • Red cross-hair within Range of 400

Tips and Details

  • Requires 5 cannonballs to activate.
  • To aim, hold down the skill key after activation and use the arrow keys to aim with the cross-hair.
    • If the cross-hair is blue, you are free to release the skill key and fire; if it is a red cross-hair, releasing the skill key will cancel the skill (no cannonballs are consumed and 100MP is recovered).
    • The skill will automatically carry out whichever action corresponds to the color of the cross-hair after 11 seconds.
    • You can only direct the crosshair infront of you, can't aim backwards.
    • The crosshair also tends to get stuck if used or directed into a sharp corner in the stage.
    • The crosshair is affected by lag in PvP and PvE - while directing the crosshair will become fidgety and be delayed as opposed to smoothly running across its directed path.
    • Everyone can see the crosshair.
  • This is the second skill in Elsword to feature target shooting, the first being Void Princess' Hell Drop.
  • Super armor is activated while targeting; though the targeting cannot be interrupted, you are still susceptible to damage. It's best to use this in situations where you are less likely to be attacked e.g. from a safe distance in PvE/team PvP matches. You cannot be harmed while firing the missiles.
  • Recently altered in the 07/28/11 character re-balance patch to have +5 more seconds to its cooldown timer and +1 second to its duration, and the explosions push its targets less.
