Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Fire Extinguisher Clear 9-1 once Kill 2000 Magma Golem Type Monsters
Kill 2000 Angry Gripig
Fire Resistance +100
Burning Effect +1% (if you use burning)
Burnt Steel Plate Kill Angry Mother Pig once
Kill Supervisor Aluminu once
Kill 200 Angry Mother Pig
Kill 200 Supervisor Aluminu
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Max HP +5%
Reduced Damage +3%
Master of Steel Clear 9-2 once Kill 3000 any monsters in 9-2 Attack Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Awakening Time +7.5%
Guardian of Lanox Clear 9-1 on Very Hard within 4 minutes
Clear 9-2 on Very Hard within 4 minutes
Clear 9-1 on Very Hard within 4 Minutes 25 times
Clear 9-2 Very Hard within 4 Minutes 25 times
Evasion +3%
Accuracy +3%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Reduced Damage +1%
Through the Flames!! Clear 9-1 on Very Hard with SS rank
Clear 9-2 on Very Hard with SS rank
Kill 100 Dryad Kenta
Kill 200 Iron Anvil Sdeing
3% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +2%
Action Speed +2%
I like fish! (Ⅱ) Clear 9-3 once Clear 9-3 on Very Hard with SS rank +30% damage against monsters in 9-3 (except Boss and Mini Boss) cannot be overlapped
+30% evasion against monsters in 9-3 (except Boss and Mini Boss) (Dungeon)
Max HP +30% (Dungeon)
Additional Damage +3%
??? Clear 9-3 once Sirena (9-3 on Very Hard) 0/200 2% chance to gain 5 MP when hit (Dungeon)
3% chance to gain 15 MP when attack (Dungeon)
Max MP +2%
Reduced Damage +5%
??? Clear 9-4 once Clear 9-4 on Very Hard with SS rank +30% damage against monsters in 9-4 (except Boss and Mini Boss) cannot be overlapped
+30% evasion against monsters in 9-4 (except Boss and Mini Boss) (Dungeon)
Physical Defense +10% (Dungeon)
Magical Defense +10% (Dungeon)
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
??? Clear 9-4 on Very Hard Traitor Ignia (9-4 on Very Hard) 0/100 Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Movement Speed +20%
Passion Pay Clear 9-3 on Very Hard
Clear 9-4 on Very Hard
Clear 9-3 (0/200)
Clear 9-4 (0/100)
Physical Attack +1000
Magical Attack +1000
??? Clear 9-5 once Clear 9-5 on Very Hard under 4 minutes Action Speed +2%
Movement Speed +12%
Dancing Flame Weapon
(Before Lanox Titles Revamped)
Clear 9-5 on Very Hard Clear 9-5 on Very Hard (0/150) 1% chance of casting Meteor Grenade when attacking
1% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
1% chance of casting Meteor Rain when attacking
Attack with a 1% chance to make an explosion that inflicts Burn for 7 seconds.
Dancing Flame Weapon
(After Lanox Titles Revamped)
1.5% chance of casting Meteor Grenade when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
1.5% chance of casting ??? when attacking
Attack with a 1.5% chance to make an explosion that inflicts Burn for 7 seconds.
1.5% chance of casting Fireworks when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Strong Flame when attacking
??? Clear 9-6 once Clear 9-6 on Very Hard with 30 hits or less Evasion +5%
Reduced Damage +3%
All Elemental Resistance +5
Oath of Ruin
(Before Lanox Titles Revamped)
Clear 9-6 on Very Hard Clear 9-6 on Very Hard (0/1000) Critical Hit Rate decreased to 0.
7% chance of casting the buff Ruin (100% critical rate, critical damage increased by 50%) for 4 seconds when attacking cannot be overlapped
Oath of Ruin
(After Lanox Titles Revamped)
Critical Hit Rate decreased to 0.
11% chance of casting the buff Ruin (100% critical rate, critical damage increased by 50%) for 8 seconds when attacking cannot be overlapped
Cold Stare
Lightning Speed
Demonic Kill