[Active] Rena marks a target with "Delayed Fire" shot. Once marked, any attacks using Twigs will 'stick' to the target, increase a stack number on the target. Can be stacked up to 5 times. Once you activate the active again, all stacks on the target will explode, dealing normal trap damage times the amount of stacks. Explosion Traps will no longer detonate on hit while the Active is in effect, and will instead detonate with the stacks.


SP Requirement
Night Watcher
75 SP

Skill Information

Debuff Icon
Skill Level Initial Damage 'Twigs' Damage Increase Total Stack Damage
Per Stack
Number of Stacks MP Usage Cool Down
1 33% 100% 5% 5 30 MP 4 seconds
2 50% 150% 10%
3 67% 200% 15%
4 83% 250% 20%
5(M) 100% 300% 25%

Tips and Details

  • After you activated the skill(your hand glow), shooting the >>^X shot will become a trap if it hits the ground.


  • While active, Rena hands will glow, and you cannot recharge MP by standing still.
  • If you miss the target, and the trap lands on the ground, pressing the skill again will detonate it.
  • Unactivated traps surrounding the target will also detonate when the skill is pressed again.
  • Though the active only allows 5 stacks, there are image files for up to 10 stacks.
  • Only you will be able to see the amount of stacks.
