A little about me:

I'm a player from UK server. Guild master of OuterHeaven. A real ara lover, specially YR. (YR is love, YR is life ♥) I'm a 20 year old girl. Love reading novels, playing sports and ofc playing elsword . :D Some ppl that mean a lot to me on the game are : my sweetie Roman, mah bro Tsurumi, my best friends Issey and Sieghartx, and other fellow players that i considerate really dear.


Class IGN Level PvP Rank Guild Marriage status Active
File:YRNEW.png DevilSpear 80   Guild:OuterHeaven Not married Yes
File:NWNEW.png Haruka01 70   Guild:FluffyKnights Married Yes
File:AANEW.png Lailaa 71   Guild:Darkfall Not married Yes
File:GANEW.png GraceArrow 47   Guild:Darkfall Not married Not
File:WSNEW.png Akaane 70   Guild:Legendary Not married Not
File:EMNEW.png ArathaChan 70   Guild:N/A Married Not
File:SDNEW.png Sakuraaaa 60   Guild:N/A Not married Yes/No
File:TTNEW.png Naido 44   Guild:N/A Not married Not