Every character in Elsword has his/her unique features that sets them apart from other characters.

Pouvoir d'Eun

Changes to UI Face.
When Ara is in Eun Mode, her battle stance changes.

By using the hairpin of Eun (design varies on her class), Ara is able to go into a 3rd awakening bead transformation called the Eun Mode. While in this mode, her appearance changes, in which her hairstyle will change(hairstyle varies on her class) and become fully white, 9 spectral tails will also appear on her back, giving her the looks of the Gumiho. Equipped accessory will not be shown in this mode. Benefits of Eun Mode will be:

  • Ara gains the standard awakening damage increase.
  • Unlike when she is in normal mode, her spirit bar will only regenerate if certain actives are used, so when she is in Eun mode, her spirit bar will automatically regenerate 1 orb when you kill a target. Do note that breaking doors or boxes in Eun Mode also recovers the spirit bar.
    • This is indicated by a small black fire surrounding her after the target dies.
    • She also gets healed (roughly 2% HP) for every enemy you kill.
  • She also gain an attack speed bonus and casting time of skills will be shortened. Values are to be tested. This similar to Deadly Chaser's Intense Showtime but minus MP cost & cooldown reduced.

Awakening Bead

Ara's 3rd Awakening Bead

Like Chung, Ara 3rd awakening bead looks different. However, it can be obtained just like any other bead. The main reason it looks different is to indicate that her Eun Mode is ready and fully functional.


Ara is the only character that has various types of movement. She can:

  • Double Jump (Lightly jump up higher than the norm)
  • Air Dash (Run on air)
    • While unable to jump as high as Eve, she can dash farther mid-air than Eve in one dash.
    • Press  , then    or   to make Ara run on the air. Holding the   or   button (respectively) will make her continue running on air. Same thing occurs when holding  /  while dashing off a platform.
  • Forward Jump (Quickly bounce forward)
    • While dashing or air dashing,  .

Spirit Energy

A bar spirit located below her MP.

A system only exclusive to Ara.
Ara has a unique combo system which involves using Spirit Energy. Spirit Energy is shown as beads below your HP bar. New players start with a 4 bead gauge, but can expand by 1 bead every 10th level (e.g. level 20 will give you 6 beads, level 30 will give you 7 beads) up to 10 beads.

Spirit Energy depletes when using certain skills/active skills. It can also be replenished by using certain skills/active skills such as Shadow Press or Energy Absorption.

Skill Linking

A system only exclusive to Ara.
Ara is able to cancel active skills by using another skill/active skill right before the previous skill used ends. This will cancel the active skill's final hit which prevents KD, but also gains extra Spirit Energy depending on the skill. For example, if you used Exorcism Stance 3 : Shadoweave (which usually gains 1 spirit energy when used) and cancel with Tiger Stance 2 : Tiger Claw, you will gain 5 Spirit Energy instead (1 from using Shadow Knot + 4 from cancel bonus as stated in description).

Finally, after filling your gauge between 5-10 beads, you can unleash certain skills which requires no MP but instead depletes all Spirit Energy and deals damage multiplied by the amount of beads collected such as; Falling Dragon, Suppression, Flying Kite and Resurrection.

List of Energy Conversion


Skill Orbs Gain / Consumed Cancel bonus
Tempest Dance -3 +3
Energy Absorption +1 per Target hit (Maximum: 2) 0
Wolf Stance 2 : Wind Wedge -2 +2
Pulling Thrust +1 +2
Quick Thrust -2 0
Steel Body -2 0
Shadow Press +1 +1
Force Spear -1 0
Falling Dragon Consume All (Minimum: 5) 0
Shadoweave +1 +4

Little Hsien / Sakra Devanam

Skill Orbs Gain / Consumed Cancel bonus
Rock Smash 0 +1
Eight Trigram Palm +1 +1
Fall +1 +2
Tiger Stance 2 : Tiger Claw 0 +1
Dragon Stance 4 : Moonlight Slash +1 0
Fierce Tiger Strike +1 0
Earth Axis 0 +1
Raging Wave +1 +1
Matchless Truth +1 +3
Suppression Consume All (Minimum: 6) 0
Flying Kite Consume All (Minimum: 6) 0

Little Devil / Yama Raja

Skill Orbs Gain / Consumed Cancel bonus
Soul Reaping -4
+1 per Target hit (Maximum: 3)
Wolf Stance 3 : Wolf Claw 0 +1
Mana Swap +1 ~ 2 0
Life Swap +2 ~ 3 0
Wolf Fang -2 +2
Infernal Circle -4 +4
pear Prison -2 +3
Energy Wave +1 0
Repel -2 0
High Speed -1 0
Energy Burst -2 +2
Resurrection Consume All (Minimum: 3) 0
Soul Escape -2
+1 per Target hit (Maximum: 2)
Suppression Energy -5 0
Energy Void 0 ~ -6 0


When Ara is in Eun mode.(Compared to a awakened Tactical Trooper, Ara does not have the awaken aura for her Eun Mode.)
  • In Eun mode, Ara strangely lacks the awakening aura.
  • In the Japanese Version of the game, when Ara enters Eun mode, the pitch of her voice is noticeably lower.

Systèmes des personnages
Voie de l'épée

Voie de l'épée

Elsword a accès à la jauge de la Voie de l'épée visible sous la barre des PM. Celle-ci permet d'activer l'aura de vitalité ou l'aura de destruction pendant une période de temps. En fonction du type de combos (  ou  ) ou de compétences utilisé, la jauge augmente soit vers la destruction, soit vers la vitalité.

Avec l'aura de vitalité, Elsword gagne plus de PM avec les attaques de vitalité et celles-ci voient leur coût en PM réduit, la vitesse d'Elsword augmente aussi. Avec l'aura de destruction, toutes les attaques de destruction infligent beaucoup plus de dégâts.

Sachez que le système n'est pas ce qu'il en a l'air à première vue : les attaques de vitalité font baisser la vitalité et monter la destruction ; les attaques de destruction font baisser la destruction et monter la vitalité. C'est pourquoi seules les attaques qui consomment la jauge sont affectées par les bonus de leur aura respective.

Guides généraux
Histoire ChronologieHistoireMonde d'ElswordPNJUnivers
Modes de jeu ChampsDonjonsJcJ
Fonctionnalités de jeu Arbre de compétencesCompétencesCompétences de forceGuide de l'interfaceQuêtesQuêtes de compétenceRésonance d'EldritTable d'expérienceSuccèsTitres
Mécaniques de jeu Attributs de compétencesBoosterEffets d'étatEffets spéciauxFièvreMana-breakPower-upsSeuil de protection K.O.StatistiquesSystèmes des personnagesVolonté
Progression du personnage Premières spécialisationsDeuxièmes spécialisationsTranscendanceTroisièmes spécialisationsClasse de maître
Guides de systèmes BanqueGarde-robe magiqueMissions aléatoiresSources chaudesStudio d'ÉliosSystème d'apprentissageSystème de mariageSystème de métiersSystème de verrouillage
Contenu de vie Système de pêcheTroupe d'expédition de bestiole
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