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Youtube Vids

When I view the youtube vids on this wiki they show at 144p. Can someone please change them to auto-quality? (I don't know how)

  • I believe this may be a problem on your end, all videos default to auto for me. Gameboy224 (talk) 22:15, 17 May 2015 (PST)

Noblesse and Dreadlord backstories.

We need backstories on how they became their new jobs.

  • I think the reason why they are not there is bc there is no Korean-fluent active people on the wiki to comprehend all the text for them and form a specialized BG. ~User:SonicEXE 5:01 PM EST 6.5.15

Header "rights are reserved"


I get an article about the renaming of 'Kill3rCombo' to 'KOG Games' from the year 2012.


Should we not change the name in the header, too? Deathcrow (talk) 15:56, 18 May 2015 (UTC+1)

This is getting ridiculous

I have seen multiple people edit the LuCiel pages, but replacing actual info with gibberish (one page even blanked out a whole page). Thankfully the "undo revision" system exists, and multiple people (myself included) undid said revisions, but the fact this is even happening is a problem.

I think we need a way to discourage people from doing stuff like that. FlareKyn (talk) 09:04, 24 June 2015 (CEST)

  • If you are referring that whole confusion with their release dates, then yes, I agree and I should probably change up the Editing Rules to prevent this from happening again. Rokujou (talk) 11:43, 24 June 2015 (CEST)
    • No, I mean actually replacing info with nonsense. One dude actually changed Lu's last name to something (I don't remember what). And another guy replaced the Job Change info on one of their job advancements to "have swag and buy it from the item mall"
      • Well, there's not really much we can do to discourage people from vandalizing other than undo their edits and give them a ban. Rokujou (talk) 20:14, 24 June 2015 (CEST)

Map loading screens

you know how most pages have the KR one? Like Tree of El? I think we should change it. for instance instead of (1-1new) it should be moved to (1-1KR) and one of each language for each available version should be made. But if for instance there isnt a version of that language for it (like how there isnt a Taiwanese version of ToE.) then dont post the image for the ( xxx, ex. Taiwanese) version. If there isnt a server for that language, like /hu (I think thats hungarian? correct me if wrong.) and if that specific version of the dungeon doesnt exist in the server yet ( like 9-6 in NA.) then dont post it- but if, like for NA and UK, since they share a familiar language (english) use UK as a placeholder. like all those consumables from the last time I saw that page. :) thanks for your time. ~User:SonicEXE 2:24 PM EST 6.24.15

  • I get where you are coming from on this, however this feels like you want to region lock the information. I feel the information should be available for all people, regardless of their language setting. There is a "Game Updates" tab on the left hand side that specifically says what's released in your server and that's supposed to be accurate for all languages. They can use that. ~User:Risuki 12:50 PM MDT 24.6.15
    • I feel like that if, at least we put alts in gallery, even better match the languages, everyone can at least try to understand. Cause I feel like the images dont line up with the english translations. ~User:SonicEXE 5:49 PM EST 6.24.15

Wrong date

Hey, I just noticed this. On the board of new releases the date of Aisha's and Raven's renewal is 8th isn't it supposed to be 6th ?