Upgrading Equipment

W Elsword, bronie i pancerze (góra, dół, buty i rękawiczki) mogą być ulepszane. Standardowo przedmioty nie są ulepszone , jednakże, czasami z bossów i potworów może wylecieć przedmiot ulepszony do od+1do +9. Gracz może "bezpiecznie" ulepszać przedmiot do +10 (powyżej +10 nie można naprawić zniszczonego przedmiotu).

Żeby ulepszyć przedmiot musimy udać się do Kowalów w miastach (ikonka miecza) lub możemy ulepszać sami jeśli wybraliśmy zawód Kowala. You will need corresponding upgrade stones and some money in order to upgrade.


1) Talk to the NPC and open his/her shop.

2) Click on the button with the + in, on the bottom left of the shop window.

3) Click on the desired item you wish to upgrade

4) This menu will open up:


5) Click on either of the two buttons at the bottom to upgrade.


When upgrading, you need to take caution that as you further upgrade your equipment, the risk of the item downgrading/breaking/resetting will increase.

From +2 → +3 onwards, upgrade may be unsuccessful

From +3 → +4 onwards, upgrade may downgrade when unsuccessful (from +3 to +2 etc)

From +6 → +7 onwards, upgrade may break or reset. A broken piece of equipment can no longer be equipped or sold until it is fixed with a repair scroll (bought from other players or in the cash shop). A reset will downgrade equipment back down to +0.

At reinforcement level +10, protection stones that prevent downgrading/resetting can no longer be used (though some servers sometimes hold events that temporarily allow use of protection stones on +10 equipment).


By upgrading your items, the base stats will increase by a certain %. The higher the level, the more the base stats will increase. The base stats are the main stats that are given with any equipment. This does not include the bonuses written in green.

From +5 onwards, weapons will gain a shine effect where they will have light glaze over periodically.
From +7 onwards, light will glaze over your weapon constantly.
If you achieve +11, there will be a constant spark effect around your weapon.

An example of +12 Weapon

Enhancement Table

An example of +20 Weapon
Upgrade (+) Base Stat Change % Stat Difference
+0 100% 0%
+1 103% 3%
+2 106% 3%
+3 109% 3%
+4 116% 7%
+5 123% 7%
+6 130% 7%
+7 145% 15%
+8 160% 15%
+9 175% 15%
+10 215% 40%
+11 255% 40%
+12 295% 40%
+13 335% 40%
+14 375% 40%
+15 425% 50%
+16 475% 50%
+17 525% 50%
+18 575% 50%
+19 675% 100%
+20 875% 200%

General Enhancement Probability