[Active] Allows Eve to use certain force fields in conjunction with combos and skills. Size/MP Collection/Option Trigger/KnockDown rate of projectiles will be changed according to the selected "Mode".


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement Skill Requirement For
Code Electra
40 SP
Skill Quest
Spectrum Dynamics

Amplify Mode

[Active] Upon using El Crystal Spectrum, the icon on your skill bar will change to this one. You are now in Amplify Mode. Whilst this is active, all El Crystal Spectrum affected combos will generate a force field which causes the lasers and electron balls to increase in size and damage.

Skill Information

Skill Level Beam Diameter Increase Electron-ball Size Increase Beam/Electron-ball Damage Increase Duration MP Usage Cooldown
1 50% 30% 20% 13s 30 MP 30 Seconds
2 16 Seconds
3 19 Seconds
4 22 Seconds
5(M) 25 Seconds
6 26 Seconds

Spectrum Mode

[Active] In this mode, all El Crystal Spectrum affected combos will generate a force field which will multiply the beams and electrons, at the expense of decreasing beam/ball size and damage.

Skill Information

Skill Level
Spectrum Dynamics
Beam/Electronball Multiplication Beam Diameter Decrease Electron-ball Size Decrease Beam/Electron-ball Damage Decrease Hit- MP recovery decrease Duration
5 3 20% 20% 55% 55% 25 Seconds

Induction Mode

File:InductionMode.png [Active] In this mode, all El Crystal Spectrum affected combos will generate a force field which will give the projectile a homing ability, at the expense of have the damage and Mp regen decreased. The Penetration quantity and range will be also increased.

When this lasers are not in range of homing, they will scatter out of the field randomly.

Skill Information

Skill Level
Hyper Optical Research
Beams/Electronball Damage Decrease Penetration Spear Damage Decrease Duration
5 -45 -0% 25 Seconds

Fusion Mode

  [Active] In this mode, all El Crystal Spectrum affected combos will generate a force field which will combine all the Modes, expense of decreased in damage. The range of projectiles will be increased and only Penetrating electrons have the homing ability attached. She will have be able to Air Dash more.

Skill Information

Skill Level Number of Extra Boost Duration MP Usage Cooldown
1 +1 12 Seconds 150MP 30 Seconds
2 +2 Seconds
3 + Seconds
4 + Seconds
5 (M) + 20 Seconds

Skill Note

Name: 이중 자가 반응로(KR)

Description: Duration increased by 3 seconds.

  • MP Consumed decrease by 10.

Tips and Details

  • El Crystal Spectrum is unlocked through the Low Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv20 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • All combos and skills that are affected by El Crystal Spectrum may be directed at different angles by holding up or down whilst performing the combo or using a skill (while eve calls out the skill name).
  • If this skill is already activated, activating again allows Eve to switch to "Spectrum Mode" only when Spectrum Dynamics is maxed.
    • Eve can cycle between "Amplify and Spectrum Mode" (between 2 second cool-down intervals) until the active skill duration runs out.
      • Eve can further switch to "Induction Mode" only when Hyper Optical Research is maxed.
      • After unlocking "Induction Mode", Eve can now switch modes even in the air. The animation of changing mode only will happen when she change from normal to "Amplify Mode" and only have a 0.5 second cool-down interval.
  • Using the skill near enemies will cause them stun for a moment without taking damage.
  • When you use a laser or electronball while in either Amplify or Spectrum mode, it's best to use it at a distance so that the effects of the El Crystal Spectrum can affect the opponent.
